United States
Estado Unidos
Big, Variety, Clothes
America, freedom, patriot
America, patriotic, freedom
American, citizen
Amurrrica!, home, power
diverse, fast-paced
diversity, opportunity, progressive, people, power, individualism, regionalism, West coast, East coast, capitalism, entertainment, ambitious, sports, idealist
el otro lado, el gabacho, americano
English, vast, powerful
freedom, red, white, blue
french fries, george bush, power
Idolized, Envisioned
inglés, compras
my home, big, scary
Power, Economy, leadership
Power, Superiority, Redneck
powerful, capitalism, liberal
AVGN, GTA IV, oportunidades
ciencia, tecnologia
dolares, norte
Empire state, baseball, Estatua de la libertad
Manhattan, migración, dinero
poder dinero gobierno
Poder, obama, leyes
poder,dinero, buen gobierno
Tecnología, Trabajo, Seguridad
En conclusion, la mayoria escribio que Estados Unidos es un pais poderoso, con diversidad, libertad y patria.
En conclusion, la mayoria escribio que Estados Unidos es un pais poderoso, con diversidad, libertad y patria.
Puedo ver que escribieron que Estados Unidos es "America". Que es un país poderoso, libre y rico. En un contexto general, es idealizado.
Por las respuestas puedo determinar que para ellos Estados Unidos es un país poderoso, libre, de buen gobierno y que la gente es patriótica.
Pues yo pienso que la gente piensa que México es un mal país con mucha delincuencia y eso es verdan in poco pero también siento que ezageran un poco en la forma de ver a México
To me at least, many of those answers that seem as if we are idealizing our country are almost sarcastic. People say "America!" and "Freedom!" because these are the words that are repeated to us over and over by every politician and at every Fourth of July celebration, so we associate them with "The United States".
Also, i thought it was interesting that the students from Mexico thought of technology when thinking of the US. Here we don't have that association at all; we usually associate Japan and technology.
I found the "AVGN" thing funny haha. I didn't know what it was at first so I had to youtube it.
I agree that the US is idealized. Yes, the constitution guarantees you freedom of speech, but if you say something negative to your boss you're out of a job. The military and police forces are powerful, but if you're in the wrong neighborhood at 3am there's not going to be anyone around to protect you. And yea, if you look at the statistics the US is a very wealthy country and it has a high standard of living. But it also has a high cost of living, and if you're making minimum wage, like many people are, it's almost impossible to make ends meet.
Una duda que me surgio en cuanto a las palabras que pusieron del lado americano, es ¿Que quieren decir con "Amurrrica!"? ¿Asi como my home, big, scary
Tambien puedo observar que consideran a su pais como todo america, cuanso se puede considerar que solo es norteamerica.
Tambien me di cuenta que la palabra que mas usan es "poder", asi que supongo que ustedes como ciudadanos consideran que su pais es de los mas poderosos del mundo. ¿La mayoria de ustedes esta de acuerdo, o a dierencias en cuanto a esto?
Atte. Maria Fernanda Ventura Cano
Quisiera saber a qué se refieren con "airsoft".
También me gustaría saber porqué asocian la palabra Estados Unidos con la palabra "scary" y con la palabra "Superiority"
Realmente estoy deacuerdo con un comentario anterior, como en todos los países existe el derecho a expresarse "libremente" pero lamentablemente no es literamente libre, hay muchas restricciones y barreras que nos impiden comunicar lo que sentimos y pensamos. Además así como Estados Unidos tiene un gran nivel de vida, la vida allá es muy costosa.
Es interesante saber que ustedes no asocian tanto a Estados Unidos con tecnología, sino con Japón. Muchas veces tenemos una imagen muy idealizada de otros países.
I found it interesting how UDLA students thought of America when they thought of technology, when students from America would undoubtedly cite Japan as having the most advanced technology. What did not surprise me, however, was the both Brown and UDLA students saw America as powerful, even a bit exaggeratedly. America's economy is by no means the most powerful anymore but we may be seen as powerful just by the way the US presents itself to the world.
To Fernanda: I wrote "Amurrica!" because I was poking fun at Americans who are very patriotic and proud of the country. I spelled it that way because many people with a southern accent pronounce "America" that way. What Kathleen said was correct...it was sarcasm.
I think that most Americans do consider the United States the most powerful country in the world. I think that a lot of people also recognize that this is about to change. Personally, I think the US is very powerful now, but our reign is over, and countries like China will soon surpass our power.
Me surgió una duda mientras leía las respuestas, a que se refieren con airsoft, y a que se refieren cuando dicen que Estados Unidos es ¨scary¨?
También logré ver que mencionan que Estados Unidos es ¨América¨. No es la primer vez que escucho esto, por lo tanto quisiera saber porque dicen eso.
El airsoft es un deporte que se parece mucho al paintball pero se usan bolas de plastico y las armas son muy reales. y me gusta xD.
Con "scary" probablemente se refieren a inseguridad.
me di cuenta de como lo que mas se relaciona a estados unidos es la libertad y el poder, es interesante que alguien haya escrito scary, y estoy de acuerdo en eso ya que estados unidos es grande y da miedo si no conoces bien, pero el orden en el que estan colocadas esas palabras (my home, big scary) lo primero que pense fue su casa es grande y le da miedo, la forma de acomodar las palabras puede cambier el significado XD
Haha like someone is living in a haunted house? To me, the U.S would be scary in the sense that we often feel a sense of entitlement that negatively affects our relations with other countries. I am afraid of the hate directed (often justifiably) at our country. I don't have any specific examples, just a general feeling.
Also, answering the America question, we often just call the U.S "America," even though that's technically wrong. I suppose it's a mix between abbreviating The United States of America and subconsciously claiming ownership over all of America (which, historically, our country has basically tried to do).
Exactly. America is scary to the world, and to its own citizens only as part of that world. The cluelessness, selfishness, and close mindedness of the US population is frequently terrifying, and the amount that the government adheres to those attitudes equally so. Or at least that's how I feel sometimes when I read the news. :)
One thing I found fascinating was that some of the Pachuca students seemed to really glorify America's government structure. A lot of us here at Brown University, and Americans as a whole, often tend to question the decisions of their political leaders, especially during tough economic times like these. It's interesting how optimistic some of you from Tec seemed to feel about America's government structure.
Also...to Fernanda:
I also thought it was interesting how here in the United States, many people associate the term "America" with this country, while in reality the Americas present a big, broad range of distinct nations, including Mexico and South America. I'm glad you brought up this point!
To Benjamin Gellman:
Bueno pues yo creo que nostros los estudiantes del Tec tenemos esa idea de Estados Unidos debido a la situación en la que esta actualmente nuestro gobierno (corrupción, etc.) para algunos el gobierno de allá esta mejor en cuanto a su organización y toma de decisiones. También es debido a las visitas que algunos tenemos a su país y como observamos las diferencias con el nuestro, en mi opinión.
To the ones who answered about "scary, big house...":
Es muy interesante conocer su opinión en cuanto ah esto, ya que yo tome el tema de "scary" como inseguridad en cuanto al país (inseguridad), pero ahora comprendo lo que ustedes sienten en cuanto a los problemas en que Estados Unidos se ah metido con otros paises.
-Estoy de acuerdo con Nora en cuanto a que China se esta cerca de sobrepasar a E.U. en ser la potencia mundial #1.
*Siento haber tenido faltas de ortografía en mi anterior aportación.
I find it so interesting that technology was associated with the United States. I don't believe we're a country that's very advanced technologically. America is always associated with the ideals of freedom and power, but in present day I feel those ideals are slowly but surely becoming the images of other countries as well.
Fernanda, although your government is corrupt I believe they run many programs as efficiently as they do here in the United States. Many of our politicians face the temptation of becoming corrupt and I believe that this is many times overlooked.
Andrew Alexander
To all- I wrote "my home, big, scary". I wrote "my home" for obvious reasons, I was born and raised and live in the US and it has had a huge affect on my identity. I wrote "big" because there is so much about the US that I dont know or dont understand. It is incredibly diverse and expansive in political, cultural and historical ways, which in my opinion is "scary" because, I really have no idea what direction we will take next. "Scary" was also a reference to how much power we have and how much we can affect other countries and peoples for better or for worse.
I think we often put down things like "America" and "airsoft" not because we personally believe those things are the essence of our country, or what it means to us, but because they are what is fed to us in the media. That is our image to the outside world.
But there is so much beauty and art and geography in the US that is overshadowed by our political and economic agendas.
Veo que ustedes saben que su país es exitoso, ¿Lo dicen por qué lo viven o porque son la potencia mundial?
To Diana:
Being a successful nation is not just about owning most of the global wealth; by that definition we are pretty succesful then. Instead, it is also about the welfare of the people in the US. A nation has to be succesful in providing for its people and the US system is not consistent.
Personally, I see the US successful in the sense that most of its people are able to succeed or at least have the means to attain their goals. The ideology of the American Dream still lures people in. So in that sense we are a succesful nation because relatively speaking the government provides most services that people utilize to better their lives. However, like any nation, the US is not perfect. While being there for some of its citizens, others are left behind.
Estados Unidos es una nación que tiene mucha cultura y compartimos muchas cosas
Estoy de acuerdo en que Estados Unidos es exitoso ya que se ha podido demostrar tan solo nuestra economia depende en todos los sentidos de su economia. Pero como en todo el mundo tiene sus momentos buenos y sus momentos malos, y como en todo el mundo tambien hay inseguridad y tambien hay personas que viven con miedo.