Les Français semble être obsédés par ...
The French seem to be obsessed with ...
beauté, argent, confort
l'amour, le football et les congés payés.
l'argent, l'appartenance social
l'argent, la nourriture
l'argent, la réussite, la pression
l'argent,le sexe et la bonnne-bouffe
la boisson.
les "inégalités".
la conservation de leur indépendance, la recherche d'un espace de vie plus grand et plus éloigné des villes.
la démesure
la nourriture, le bonheur, la famille
la politique et donner des leçons
la réussite, l'argent, le regard des autres
le sexe
le travail, la réussite, l'argent.
le vin, leur couple
leur image
leurs privilèges obsolètes.
anything French
being dressed fashionably.
breakfest and food
Charles de Gaulle, wine, cycling
cheese, poigras, wine
food, cigarettes, sex
French nationality and language.
good food choices.
hating on Americans
making fun of Americans?
not sure!
nothing I can think of.
the arts and being kind to people.
watching soccer
According to a majority of French, the French seem to be obssessed with money, fashion, sex and food. It reveals that French might focus on non-important things mainly. By non-important things, I mean that French don't care of family, love or friendship. According to American, the French seem to be obssessed with the same ideas. In addition, some Americans found French as haters, and particularly american haters. France appears as a country giving lessons due to its history and the declaration of human rights. Nevertheless, they might give more lessons to other countries but are not able to follow their own lessons to themselves. That may be the reason why some American found French as amrican haters.