You are walking down the street in a big city. A stranger approaches you with a big smile.
- Ask them how their day is.
- I say, "hi" and ask them how their day has been.
- I would smile back.
- I would smile back and say hello
- I would smile back depending on whether his smile was sincere or creepy.
- Keep a distance from him and wait to see what he wants.
- Look at their hands and smile back
- Return a smile, but keep walking past
- Say Hello!
- Smile back
- think who is that?, feel a little nervous
- 一开始觉得莫名其妙同时又会觉得很温暖
- 他可能认识我。
- 他是不是有什么事要问我。
- 他(她)是谁,我认识他(她)吗?套近乎?
- 以微笑回应,她或许要向我询问什么
- 回之以一个微笑
- 回她微笑,感觉很开心。
- 在这陌生的地方,居然还会有内心向阳的人。我也会向他面带微笑。
- 很热情,很友好,但也会觉得有点奇怪。
- 微笑以对,但是有戒备心
- 感到奇怪,开始警惕
- 我会回应他(她),感觉心里很温暖。
- 我会对他报以友好的微笑
- 我会感到很开心,很温暖,并且也会对他微笑。
- 我会有点惊慌。
- 我觉得这个人非常的奇怪,然后可能会躲开他
- 这个人可能图谋不轨,我会感到慌张,在回以微笑的同时错开彼此的距离并保持高度的警惕随时准备跑和报警。
- 这个人是来推销什么产品的吧,视线越过他转身就走。
I saw mostly the same answers. Both students said they would smile back and be friendly, and a couple said they would feel a little nervous. Do you feel that most of the people where you live are generally friendly?
American students and Chinese students have mostly the same attitude when being approach by strangers. Most of the answers I see are either smile back or say hello. For me it is the depends on the situation. Most likely I would smile back if the stranger is approaching me in a friendly manner where there are a lot of people around. But if the stranger approach me in a creepy manner where there is nobody around then I would probably creeped out by that. What would you react if a stranger approach you in a creepy manner where nobody is around?