You have been waiting in line for ten minutes. Someone cuts the line in front of you.
- A little mad but probably let it go
- Give them a talk
- Hell no
- I would be angered, probably politely inform them that wasn't the back of the line
- I would be upset but I wouldn't say anything.
- I would get very angry but I would probably not say anything.
- Look at the person, if they seem to be in a big rush and I'm not I let them stay. Otherwise I speak up
- Observe the situation.
- Say "hey buddy, people are waiting here"
- Tell them to get back in the line.
- tell them to go to the back
- 上去讲道理
- 会很不爽但不会说出来
- 会很烦躁,并对他没好气道:先生/女士麻烦您不要插队好吗?
- 会很生气
- 会很生气
- 很生气,劝告他去后面排队
- 心中不舒服,让他排队
- 怎么会有这样没有礼貌的人,请到后面排队。
- 怎么能这样?
- 感到气愤,并告诉他这是不对的
- 我会告诉他插队的行为是不礼貌不道德的
- 我会很生气并且说出他的不对
- 我的内心会非常的不开心,会当面告诉她你这样做没有道德
- 找他评理
- 有点气愤,但我会安慰自己换位想说不定他有难言之隐。
- 有点生气,对她说请你排队。
- 深深鄙视他,觉得白白学习规矩,制度。
- 礼貌地提醒他不要插队
- 礼貌的请他不要插队
- 觉得这个人没礼貌
- 跟他理论,让他郡守规则
- 这个人应该是有急事,理解万岁
I noticed that both the Chinese students and American students answers were very similar. However, a lot of the American students said that they would be mad, but not say anything, while more Chinese students said they would be mad, and tell the person to go to the back of the line.
Based on the comments above, I can safely assume that nobody likes impolite people. Situations like people cutting in front of the line or rude drivers who cut in front of everybody will always going to happen. That is outside of our control, but what we can control is our reaction to those situations. We can choose to be angry and make a big deal out of it or we can just simply let it go. We have nothing to lose when we approach problems in this manner. Rude people will always going to be rude, but for us we will grow wiser and kinder.
The answers among both the Chinese and American students were definitely very similar. Where I noticed a difference was in the Chinese students answers; the Chinese students would be much more confrontational about the situation. Most of the American students would be upset but would not say anything, where the Chinese students would be upset as well but they would also tell the person to get to the back of the line. Do you think this is possibly because there are more people in China and the lines are longer so it is more frustrating to wait longer or is it that Chinese people just will not tolerate rude people as much as American people will?
Judging the responses, it seems that both American and Chinese students would be equally upset, but the Chinese students would be more likely to speak their mind. This is probably due to a difference in culture. With that being said, both Chinese and American students would be equally upset, however. Americans are just less likely to react publicly.