- hard, lots of money
- homework, buildings
- learning, education
- learning, growing, work
- Rhode Island, College, and Sophomore
- Sucks
- UNC Charlotte, URI
- URI, Highschool, glastonbury
- work, future, learning
- work, necessary
- work, play
- 充实的,严肃的,同学
- 北京大学,清华大学
- 同学,青春,梦想
- 图书馆、宿舍、老师
- 学习知识,培养人才,结交朋友,传承文化
- 学习,改变
- 学生,老师,图书,操场
- 宿舍,教师,学生
- 教师,老师,同学
- 清华,北大
- 红河学院,宿舍,学习
- 轻松,青春
- 阳光 球场 青春 回忆
- 青春洋溢,活力四射,笑脸
- 青春,啤酒,学习
I am amazed by the differences that we as Americans have versus the Chinese students. After reading the above, I feel like Americans only go to school because they are obligated to do so, whereas Chinese students treat schools as a very enjoyable part of life. It is appears to me that Chinese students are much more optimistic about going to school than Americans. My questions to you is How do you cope with the difficulties and stress while in school?
Thank you all the Chinese students for the fantastic responses. After carefully reading your answers, I have came to a conclusion that we are all have one goal in common and that goal is to find happiness through accomplishing something great. Good luck to you all in pursuing your dreams.
Thank you all the Chinese students for the fantastic responses. After carefully reading your answers, I have came to a conclusion that we all have one goal in common and that goal is to find happiness through accomplishing something great. Good luck to you all in pursuing your dreams.