- airplane, tropics, experience
- airport, money, Paris
- car, plane, location
- carribean
vacation - Europe, China, Asia
- expensive, good
- foreign, countries
- fun, long
- Plane, Gas, and Space
- plane, ocean, money
- Work
- 古镇,长城,故宫,名胜古迹,欧式建筑
- 地图,路线,纪念品
- 尼泊尔,舒服,风景
- 山青水秀,空气好,放松心情
- 张家界,大理,故宫
- 快乐,刺激,风景美丽,新鲜感,拍照
- 拍照,夕阳,朋友
- 放松自己,朋友,有意义
- 放松,机票,风景
- 穷游,自由,开心
- 自己,美丽的风景,快乐,放松
- 行李,车票,钱,拍照
- 西藏,自由,火车
- 酒店,景点,美食
I noticed that the American students put words associated more with physical characteristics of traveling, like gas, expensive, plane, etc. Where the Chinese students put more vocabulary related to feelings about traveling, like relaxation, happiness, and freedom. I have a feeling this might be because the Chinese students have more of an appreciation for how traveling can make you feel than we do as Americans; we might take traveling for granted sometimes.
How often do you travel? How long do you usually travel for? Where do you usually travel?
I also saw that a lot of the Chinese students commented about places to travel and how it makes them feel, while the American students commented on things like transportation and money.
Why do you travel? What do you like about traveling?
Interstate travel is quite popular in America, would you say inter-province travel is as common in China?
I love your points of view on traveling! To answer 胡柱姚’s question, I like traveling in a group rather than by myself. To answer 201 601 110 448’s question, I think we most often think of airplane because that is a very common way for us to travel. It is much easier to travel to vacation destinations by plane in America. It is less common for us to take trains and taxis for things like vacations. Finally, to answer r201 601 110 418’s question, personally, I have not traveled outside of the United States, but states that I have been to include: California, Nevada, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts and other New England states.
Thank you for your responses! To 陈书婷, I completely agree. I think part of the reason people travel to new places is to experience new things, and get a better perspective of the world. To r201 601 110 418, I think it’s true that different places can give you different feelings. To answer your question, I have been to many places in France, included Biarritz and Paris, Canada, and most New England states within the U. S.