If I see someone cheating on a test, I...

Si veo alguien copiando en un examen, yo...

become disappointed in them and move on with my life.

consider the circumstances of why they might be cheating and try to decide to turn them in or not.

hint to the teacher discretely for her to notice.

ignore it

keep it to myself, because their cheating is their choice and it is not hurting me, only he or she, and it is not my place to get them in trouble.

laugh at them.

let them cheat, knowing that at least I am not.

tell them they are dishonest and not to do it again.

would ignore them.

hago lo mismo

hago lo mismo

le digo que no lo haga

le digo que por favor no lo haga

me quedaría callada ya que no es mi problema.

me quedo callada y hago como que no vi nada

no me intereso de lo que hagan los demas

Sigo con lo mio, y al final todo cae por su propio peso.


no le diria nada, es el problema de el o ella, no mio

Me da igual, si necesito copiar yo tambien lo hago, asi que no tengo porque delatar a otro cuando yo hago lo mismo

no le hago caso, no me importaria sigo en lo mio 
