A rude person is someone

Une personne impolie est quelqu'un

acts without thinking
disobeys obvious etiquette.
does not respect others.
is not considerate with the others
is openly disrespectful to another.
that doesn't consider other persons
who disregards the feelings of other people
who does not care about others' feelings.
who does not follow the social codes in his/her environment, rudeness is the label given by the submissive
who does not follow the social codes in his/her environment, rudeness is the label given by the submissive
who does not regard the needs of others.
who doesn't consider others when he acts.
who has no regard for others, has no manners
who is inconsiderate to others.
who is mean without any particular self-interest directed reason.
who is not nice.
who is selfish and doesnt consider others
who lacks culture.
who lacks respect for the feelings of others.
who offends others.
who puts their needs ahead of others, who thinks only of oneself
who sees no one but himself/ herself.
who tries to put you down or insults you.

de grossier, sans éducation
de grossière
ne dit pas bonjour notamment.
ne sais pas quand se taire ou pas, est lourd et désagréable
Qu'on ne peut juger sur un mot.
qui a été mal éduqué
qui est egoïste
qui est grossière, vulgaire, bourrue, qui ne respecte pas les autres
qui fume dans un lieu non fumeur
qui mérite une claque
qui n'a pas de savoir vivre et qui est insupportable.
qui n'accorde aucune attention aux autres
qui n'aide pas les gens.
qui ne dit pas bonjour
qui ne respecte pas les autres
qui ne respecte pas les autres
qui ne respecte pas les autres
qui ne respecte pas les autres.
qui ne respecte pas son entourage
qui ne respecte personne
qui ne respecte personne
qui ne respecte personne
qui ne respecte rien, qui ne pense qu'à lui
qui ne s'intéresse pas du tout aux autres
qui ne tient pas la porte
qui ne voit pas le monde autour d'elle, qui n'est pas sensible à la personnalité des autres
qui ne voit pas les autres
qui ne vous ecoute pas et ne vous respecte pas
qui passe son temps a parler de lui
qui se fiche de ce qu'on lui dit
qui énerve
sans éducation et peu respecteux


I noticed that the words "feelings" is used often on the American list. I couldn't find a true equivalent on the French list. I think we're describing how it affects us when someone is rude and shows disrespect, disregard, or is inconsiderate. I find it interesting tha t your list includes "qui ne dit pas bonjour." When someone doesn't say hello to me, I'm more prone to think that they are preoccupied or in a bad mood. What do you think? Why do you think we have different conceptions of this?

nous avons une conception différente de la politesse dans le sens ou nous disons "bonjour" aux personnes que nous connaissons ou lorsque nous entrons dans une pièce.Il semble que les Américains ont toujours un sourire ou une phrase sympa pour les gens qu'ils croisent alors que les Français ( ou seulement les parisiens?) sont plus indifférents.

I've noticed this in other places too - the majority of you seem to define words in exactly the same way. In this case it is "a rude person is someone who does not respect anyone/the others". Apart from this "dictionary" definition, there are quite a lot of clichés - doesn't open the door, doesn't say hello, smokes in a non-smoking place, speaks about himself, etc.

Logistically, I can conclude that "social education" is strict and influential for you (the phrases mentioned above are exactly what my own parents taught me when I was 4 years old; I'm Bulgarian). Or maybe you often discuss/come across these issues in everyday life? Is the French social etiquette one big outdated cliché that has been instilled in you as young children? Or do you really realize, respect and practice it?

For example, my native language has the "vous" form. However, I believe that it is totally anachronistic and I never use it (English is probably a big influence here). In France, is there what-you-would-call Americanization of the human relationships? More specifically - have you ever called a professor by his/her small name, is it totally unacceptable to do the same with your boss?

I noticed that in the French side of the list "education" or upbringing was brought up a few times. I was wondering if this indicates that in France, it is important to be from a good family to be socially accepted? I don't think many Americans would agree that bad upbringing is an indication of a rude person.