a good citizen
Un bon
does what is right
improves society
performs his/her civic duty conscionably
upholds the law, votes
who abides the law, votes, and discusses current events
who gives something back to the community.
who has a sense of duty to his country.
who helps the community.
who is active and informed in political debates.
who is informed and opposes hatred.
who is willing to help for no immediate reward
who obeys the law, patriotic, performs civic dutie
who obeys the laws of the state.
who pays follows the laws and helps the economy
who supports and suggests open minded ideas
who votes regularly and obeys the law.
will fight for their country
qui respecte la loi et défend son pays.
qui aime les autres
qui fait vivre son pays
qui réfléchit aux répercusions de ses actes
qui respecte droits et devoirs civiques
qui respecte la loi
qui respecte la société
qui respecte les autres et les biens communs.
qui respecte son environnement
qui respecte son pays
qui va voter
qui vote
qui vote et qui aide les autres en cas de problème
respecte les lois, vote
respecte, s'investit, vote
Good citizens
In both countries, the notion of a good citizen implies some sort of obligation to the country. However, I see that that nearly all the French responses are focused on serving the countries and the laws (with the exception of "qui aime les autres.") From this exercise, we beleive that there needs to be more open discussion of political ideas. This however could be interpreted as serving the nation. If so, it is still a more concrete example than the French statements. Both Americans and French have rather abstract views, with Americans having slightly more concrete examples (discussions, being informed, votes) as compared to just "qui vote." Are common people involved much in poitics in France? Someone said "qui aime les autres." COuld you explain more what this means?
A good citizen
While the notion of respect is very important in the American culture, it seem that respect defines a good citizen in France. Do you think that the French have more respect for themselves and for others? Americans tend to be very results-oriented in that we responded that in order to be a good citizen, we need some feedback. Do you think Americans base too many of their decisions on how it affects them?
It seems to me that the French have a more passive view of politcal particiaption than the Americans. The American responses indicate that they feel that a good citizen not only obeys the law, but actively works to improve their community and country. I didn't find this type of civic duty in the French resonses. Is political activism encoraged in France? Also, could this possibly passive politcal climate help explain the rsie of the Front National? I see no other way that such an openly racist and hateful party could acsend to such power. Recall that it was the passive politcal climate in Weimar Germany that helped the National Socialist Party (Nazi) rise to power. What do students fell about the FN, and all its implications? Are their demonstrations in response to this party?