A "good" doctor is a doctor...

Un "bon" médecin est quelqu'un...


thorough, well-mannered

who takes time with his/her patients.

who cures you

who is smart and knows how you are feeling inside.

who cares for the well-being of the patient

who is honest, caring and friendly

that is thorough and caring

who is well educated.

who is both caring and technically competent.

who makes me comfortable.


who listens well and sees her patients as people.

one who is worth the money you pay.

who cares

who heals you, who you can trust

who is patient.

who will call you to check how you're feeling

who is knowledgable and kind

who doesn't work for only for the money.


qui soigne bien ces malades

qui soigne bien

qui aime son metier

qui guerit, qui sait ecouter

qui ressemble a ma fiancee

qui sait nous soigner

qui soigne


qui ne soigne pas plus qu'il ne faut

qui guerit

de serieux et attentif

qui ne se trompe jamais

qui vous soigne correctement

de consciencieux et ecoutant ses patients

qui peut resoudre un maximum de problemes
