A good job

Un bon emploi

one which brings you enjoyment
that allows workers to be creative and do things that they love.
that brings happiness
that fulfills one's soul.
that has value for both the person performing the service and for the people
receiving the service.
that keeps the employee interested and happy.
that makes you happy.
that makes your grow as a person.
that one finds satisfying and helpful for the rest of society.
that strives for world peace
that you are passionate about
that you can enjoy.
that you doesn't bore you.
that you enjoy doing
that you really want to do when you wake up in the morning.
to which one wants to go, that challenges while also offering satisfaction
well done
where one works with enthusiasm happily
where you are allowed to enjoy life and work hard
where you are happy
which is challenging.
you love.

bien payé et épanouissant,que
je n'ai pas trouvé
bien rémunéré et intéressant
bien voire très bien payé où paradoxalement il n'y
a rien à faire de trop fatiguant ou contraignant
dans lequel on se sent heureux;
épanouissant et flexible
intéressant et bien payé
intéressant, stable et surtout bien rémunéré.
ou on s'épanouit mentalement professionnelement et materiellment
permettant l'épanouissement intellectuel de celui qui l'occupe.
pour lequel on a une passion mais aussi qui rapporte
qui apporte reconnaissance sociale,satisfaction,fierté et argent
qui nous interesse et où l'enrichissement personnel est permanent
qui nous passionne et qui nous permet de bien vivre
qui nous plait
qui nous plait, qui nous rapporte de l'argent
qui nous plaît, qui rémunère bien
qui vous plaît, auquel vous êtes heureux de vous rendre
stable et rémunérateur
stable qui paie bien
stable,bien remunéré,peu éprouvant


I find it interesting that none of the american students
mentioned 'stable' or 'well-paying' as characteristics
of a good job, whereas several french students
associated un bon emploi with 'stable' and 'bien paye'.
I see a possible relationship between these responses
and the responses to "travail' and 'work' in the word
associations. Many french students described 'travail'
as 'necessaire'.
In France, is one's job viewed as merely a means of
making money so that one can enjoy life outside of work,
or is one's job considered one of the joys of life
For me at least ( I don't want to speak on behalf of
the other american students), when selecting a job, my
first priority is that it is something I enjoy. Of
course you need to make $ and it is not practical to
have a job that doesn't pay well. However, since you
spend most of your days at work, it is most important to
make it fulfilling. My goal in life is to perceive my
'work/job' as 'play'. Then, I will get to have fun all
day. I've drifted off topic....
Anyway, here are some questions for the French students:
1)what jobs do you plan to get after your studies? 2)If
you had to choose, would you rather make a lot of $ in a
boring job, or make a less than average amount of $ in a
fun/interesting/fulfilling job? 3) At what age do
french students usually decide on a career path?


I am confused and I hope that someone can clear this up
for me. I think I understood that our TA during section
told us that good jobs in France are those that can make
you help others (doctors) but that not necessarily pay
well. Your answers totally contradict this as you tell
us that money is really important. Can somebody please
clear this up for me. Thanks.

Marie Hélène

I was wondering the same thing as Maria and find the two
sets of responses to be very surprising. I would have
predicted that in France, especially as it is rather
socialist, that stability and satisfaction would be the
most important criteria. On the other hand, I expected
for the Americans to place a much greater emphasis on
salary and material wealth.
In response to this and to Steven's question, I
thought about it and figured that the reason no
Americans put money as a necessity for a job to be good
is because in our capitalist society obsessing over and
incessantly talking about money is quite crass. It is
much more acceptable and even noble to pretend as if
money is not a priority or even a concern. But I would
bet that if it came down to making a decision many more
Americans would sacrifice convenience or satisfaction
for money necessary to pay bills and put food on the
table. (One could argue that a person's happiness
increases when they are better able to support their
family). I am not trying to say that the Americans are
liars (I would be included), but rather that they are
slightly naive and too idealistic and unrealistic.


Tu sais Steven, chaque travail est lassant au bout de
quelques années, donc autant se faire de l'argent.
Néanmoins, il existe quelques jobs cools (testeur de
jeux video, journaliste dans le sport, le cinéma ou la
musique...) mais trop peu.

