A good parent

Un bon parent

guides, potects, and willing to sacrifice for
their children
knows you and loves you always
loves his/her children.
who advices and mentors without being overbearing.
who always provides unconditional love and support.
who can discipline one's child and yet express one's love.
who gives their kid the right amount of freedom and responsibility
who gives unconditional love.
who is a true friend, and who gives good advice.
who is always supportive no matter what
who is caring
who is loving, intelligent, knowledgeable
who is supportive, encouraging, and challening.
who knows how you feel before you speak
who loves and trusts you enough to let your learn from your own mistakes,
and live a independent life
who loves unconditionally
who loves you and takes care of you.
who provides a good mix of freedom and authority for his/her children, who
loves his/her children.
who simply wants you to choose what is the best for himself/herself.
who understands that mistakes are part of human life.
who will accept you regardless
who will listen to and support their children.

élève ses enfants avec abnégation,
respect des valeurs et tolérance
inculque des valeurs allant dans un sens précis
que l'on n'a de toute manière pas choisi.
qui a su nous guider sans nous aliéner
qui aime ses enfants.
qui eduque bien ses enfants
qui éduque ses enfants, qui écoute son enfant
qui est encore là quand on a tout perdu.
qui m'a donné la vie
qui me soutient
qui ne perd jamais la confiance et l'attention de son enfant
qui n'est ni trop laxiste ni trop strict
qui nous écoute, qui nous encourage
qui nous supporte dans tous les moments difficiles
qui nous surveille sans etre dominant
qui prend soin de vous, prend des décisions dans votre intérêt
qui prépare ses enfants à s'épanouir dans les réalités
de la vis
qui sait inculquer les valeurs indispensables à la vie en société
qui s'occupe de nous, en qui on a confiance, qui peut toujours nous aider
qui subvient a tous les besoins(moraux,affectifs,matériels etc)
qui te protège et veille à ce que tu ne manque de rien sans
pour autant te cacher la réalité
qu'on ne peut pas choisir


The two lists share a lot in common. The overall theme
that I see repeated is that a good parent has to have a
balance between giving guidance/authority and allowing
children freedom for their own decision-making.
Something that I find interesting is the number of
American students who used the word "love" and
"unconditional love" in their responses. On the other
hand, only one French student directly said "qui aime
ses enfants." Instead love was usually implied through
describing more specific acts such as educating,
guiding and caring.
Somewhat related to that, I have a question about the
difference in connotation between "aimer" and "adorer".
In English, parents often say "I love you" to their
children. In French, would a parent say to a child,
"Je t'aime" or "Je t'adore." both? neither?

