A rude person

Une personne impolie

disrespectful, loud, rowdy
has no regard for others
ignores the emotions of others
insults people
who agitates convention
who cannot think about or for other people .
who can't understand others needs
who does not think about the effects of their own actions on others
who doesn't consider others before doing or saying things.
who has no respect or regard for other's feelings.
who imposes himself/herself on others
who interrupts, speaks in an obnoxious tone of voice, is inconsiderate of
who is ignorant to his/her surroundings, who is unaccepting without trying
who is impatient and brash.
who is inconsiderate and disrespectful; who is selfish in an obnoxious way.
who is not considerate of those surrounding him or her.
who is self-absorbed, who is inconsiderate.
who is selfish.
who makes others feel bad to make himself feel better.
who only thinks of himself.
who will take from another what they are not willing to give themselves
without regard for others, who does not show gratitude, and who acts inappropriately
in public.

à qui il manque des valeurs, d'irrespectueux
de mal élevé
dont les parents n'ont pas été assez présent
n'est pas capable de faire pour les autres ce qu'elle ferait pour elle
qui aura toujours des problèmes
qui coupe une personne en train de parler
qui est impolie
qui ignore les autres et fait passer son propre intérêt en
qui manque de respect, qui n'a pas eu accepté son éducation
qui manque d'éducation
qui m'énerve
qui ne répond pas a vos salutations
qui ne répond pas a vos salutations
qui ne respecte pas autrui
qui ne respecte pas l autre
qui ne respecte pas les autres
qui ne sait pas se tenir
qui n'est pas polie
qui pousse les grands-mères dans les escaliers
qui répond mal à ce genre de questionnaires.


One (or possibly two) French student responded with "ne
reponde pas a vos salutations". What about passing
another on the street and neither party says anything,
i.e. you pass on the street and no hellos or good
mornings are exchanged. Is this situation rude? I am
from the South where passing someone and not saying
anything is considered rude. However, Brown is in the
Northeast where no one says anything in passing and
there is no eye contact, and this is not at all
considered impolite. When walking down the street, is
it more common to say hello or to ignore the passing

Just to add to what you were saying, Jonathan..
Last semester, in our French conversation section, we
talked about something similar -- whether students
acknowledge each other, especially when they knew each
The TA was saying how it his university in Paris, as
compared to Brown, students were more likely to
acknowledge each other, or just smile and at least make
eye contact. In addition, at the beginning of each
class, students would make small talk even though they
might not necessarily know each other..

What do others think?


I think that people at Brown feel they have to know a
person a little more than just as a classmate before
they will recognize them just on the street and say
hello. However, I do think that small talk in class
does happen and that is how you begin to go from having
a classmate to an acquaintance that you would say hi to.
For the French students, does being a classmate
meaning that it would always be rude not to say hello to
the person in passing? Or is it generally someone you
have talked to inside or outside of class that you are
more likely to acknowledge?


le plus souvent dans le grandes villes comme paris ou
marseille les gens qui se croisent ont plutot tendance à
s'ignorer tandis que dans les zones rurales il paraît
normal de saluer les passants.Dans tous les cas, saluer
ou ne pas saluer les passants n'est jamais considérer
comme impoli ou pas.

Je suis assez d'accord avec François mais je voudrais
ajouter que la région d'où tu viens joue aussi. En
effet, je trouve que venant de province, on a tendance à
dire bonjour plus facilement et à "n'importe qui" dans
la rue.