You meet one of your neighbors

Vous rencontrez votre voisin

  feel hurt
  give a nod
  I feel disappointed.
  I make note of it
  I say hello
  I think "I wonder what's eating him/her".
  I try not to look at them and I keep on walking.
  I would assume that they didn't see me or that they were having a bad day.
  I would assume they don't remember me or think I don't remember them.
  I would be mildy offended, and then assume that they did not recognize me.
  I would call out loudly their name and wave
  i would consider whether i would say hello to them in the same situation and react accordingly
  I would think it was odd depending on how well I knew that neighbor
  I would wonder if he or she is upset with me.
  I'll think to myself: what's her problem today?
  keep walking
  say hello to them.
  say hi anyway
  smile if they're looking at you and then maybe say hello
  smile, walk on

je dis bonjour bien fort!!! et la prochaine fois, je ne dis rien
Je fais de même.
Je le trouve malpoli
je lui dis bonjour et elle peut se toucher pour que je lui redise bonjour
Je lui dit bonjour en insistant
Je me dis qu'il est impôli, et pense que je ne lui dirai pas bonjour la prochaine fois que je le croise, à moins qu'il ne me salue en premier.
je ne lui dit pas bonjour aussi.
je suis décu et je ne lui adresse plus la parole
je suis vexé
je suis vexé et je ne lui dirai pas bonjour la fois suivante
Si il/elle m'a regardé dans les yeux, je me dis que c'est un mufle/une imbécile.


One thing I noticed was that the responses of Brown students seemed to be more
aggressive. We are more likely to insist on saying "hi" or calling out the neighbor's name
even though they didn't acknowledge us. Students at INT, on the other hand, seemed
more inclined to not say anything and rather return the neighbor's silence. The responses
imply that the INT students are maybe more withdrawn in their social exchanges with
their neighbors than we are, which corresponds with the kind of answers we got to the
word "neighbors" earlier this semester. Does everyone think we have confirmed another
cultural difference?

I think if you consider the proportions of students, it is not quite so different. Also the
responses from INT students that included saying hello then continued to thinking about
the next time whereas most of the same responses from Brown students only said "say
hi/smile" and nothing more.
Also, the negative responses from INT students such as thinking the neighbor was
impolite were more strong and personal, like "disappointed" or "upset" while the majority
of Brown responses used the word "assume" to think about what the neighbor was
thinking and not really what the student was feeling.
My impression is that this situation would cause more future change in the neighbor-
neighbor relationship from the INT responses than from the Brown responses.

I agree with MF, Americans have this concept taht neighbors are supposed to be like
best friends or at least close friends of the family. Therefore, if neighbors see each other
on the street they will say hello to one another and maybe even strike up a
conversation. From the answers seen on the French list, for a good neighbor and for this
situation, French neighbors do not seek nor have the same kind of relationship as
American nighbors do. They do not talk to each other much and and the relationship
does not go very deep. I think that this definitely effects French neighbors when they
see each other on the street and could be a reason why they dont even achknowledge
each other.

I totally agree with you, YD.
