The three men amongst themselves/Les trois hommes entre eux




In both movies, Jacques rommates seem to appear very cooperative in general. However, there is more bitterness among the three men in the French version. Their relationship improves as the movie develops. However, in the Amercain version the three men discussions tend to incorporate humour instead of massive screaming . Communication between them is more succesful in the American side. How is the relationship between men in France?


There are probably quite a few american men who would simply not accept others to interfere with their childs upbringing. In the scene where Pierre kicks out the nanny, I don't think that would happen in America, and Pierre would have a good chance of Jack kicking his ass.

In America more and more there seems to be an attitude of "Don't tell


how to raise my child!" Sometimes parents are even defensive when grandparents or other family members make suggestions or criticisms, much less friends and strangers.

In France is it taboo to interfere with a parent/child relationship, or is it expected that communities should raise children?


En réponse à Khalid, je pense que la situation est quasi-similaire en France. La "belle-mère" est toujours celle qui a la mauvais rôle au sein d'une famille et ses tentatives de conseil ou d'aide se doivent d'être discretes et efficaces pour ne pas être rejetées par les parents. Au contraire, les conseils d'amis de la même génération sont toujours les bienvenus.


Je suis d'accord avec JB.

Mais, je m'étonne de la grande solidarité, sans faille, qui lie les trois amis dans la version US. En effet, ils traversent une période difficile, mais n'élèvent pratiquement jamais le ton. On a l'impression qu'ils sont tous les trois les mêmes, pensent toujours la même chose. Est-ce vraiment ainsi que l'on perçoit l'amitié outre Atlantique ? Faut-il vraiment être identique pour pouvoir s'entendre ?


Salut (en réponse à Khalid)

Je pense que en France les gens émettent beaucoup de critiques sur les autres et notamment se permettent de juger la manière dont les parents éduquent leurs enfants (ouvertement ou derrière leur dos). Chacun cherche à s'occuper de l'éducation des enfants même si ce ne sont pas les siens.


I think after the whole discussion regarding parent/child relationships, this conversation makes more sense to me... I think pride is a HUGE issue with raising children... But I think that Americans feel asaulted when people try to help... Our pride seems too closely linked with an almost rediculous level of independance. Does that make sense, or do you think it's similar for everyone?


re: stephane

that's exactly the point of the raymond carroll readings we're doing now- about the difference in how americans and french expect out of a friendship. odd how everything is sort of connected, isn't it?