A good police officer ...
Un bon policier...
can understand actions and reactions, protects the victim, and is understanding.
does not abuse suspects; is willing to protect innocents at all costs; does not abuse their authority
does not accept bribes, puts his or her life on the line to protect the population and does not compromise his or her morals.
Does not hold him/herself above the law, enforces the rules, and is compassionate while still getting the job done.
doesn't let personal feelings/prejudices get in the way of his duties,
doesn't arrest/fine people for stupid things (ex. speeding only slightly above speed limit),
protects the people in his jurisdiction.
ensures the safety of its people and protects them from crime.
ignores the law
is respectful, not racist, explains the issue at hand, and doesn't provoke people.
is willing to put his or her life in danger for the safety of the public, is educated about different scenarios that might occur, and is friendly.
knows the community he works in.
knows the rules and laws.
establishes and maintains justice.
tries to resolve conflict without guns
understands the general public but stands by the law.
upholds order. is not oppressive. is not corrupt.
Upholds the law to the best of his/her abilities, not allowing personal feelings to get in the way of getting the job done.
was on duty that night, so the crisis was avoided. Had it not been for him, the little girl would not have been saved.
agit sans préjugés et avec respect.
aide et prévient plutôt que réprimande.
applique correctement la loi.
ne discrimine pas.
applique la loi et n'abuse pas de ses pouvoirs
applique la loi, n'utilise pas de privilèges, aide la communauté
applique strictement la loi
est juste, efficace
est un homme au service de la loi.
est un policier qui n'abuse de ses pouvoirs
fait respecter la loi, sait être tolérant
n'a pas de préjugés, maintient l'ordre et sait garder son calme.
n'est pas corrompu.
respecte les ordres de ses supérieurs.
s'implique dans la sécurité de la ville...
protège la population des dangers.
rassure les gens, il est là pour aider, pas pour réprimer
sait faire la différence entre ce qui est juste et ce qui ne l'est pas,
sait ne pas respecter le code à la lettre,
va privilégier le citoyen avant lui-même
sait fermer les yeux,
se fait respecter,
n'est pas trop arrogant
un policier qui respecte la loi
Are there many crimes with violence in France or not? It seems that there's less than in the United States since the French responses don't talk about it. Do French police carry guns?
Does it happen often that the police do not abide by the rules? For example, how widespread is bribery?
Je pense que le nombre de crimes graves en France est effectivement inférieur à celui des Etats-Unis. Cela peut s'expliquer par le fait que les civils n'ont pas le droit de posséder des armes à feu (à quelques exceptions près, pour les fusils de chasse par exemple), surtout les pistolets. Mais je ne connais pas trop les lois américaines à ce propos, quelles sont les modalités pour qu'un Américain puisse posséder une arme chez lui ? Quand a-t-il droit de l'utiliser ?
Sinon, la police française porte effectivement des armes, mais l'emploie rarement.
John, récemment, un grand scandale a éclaté en France, certains des plus haut-placés dans la hiérarchie ont été inculpé pour corruption. Autrement, je ne crois pas que cela soit si courant par ici. Je vous retourne la question !
Thanks Olivier!
According to the second amendment of the US constitution, the people have the right to bear arms for self-defense and protection.
After reading the phrases written by both sides, I noticed that they had similar themes. The role of a police officer is to follow the law and protect the people. How effective are police officers in France in enforcing the law and ensuring people's safety? How do the French view police officers? Is it a positive one or a negative one?
Are the major crimes commonly commited in large cities? I would say that is mostly how it happens in the United States, but that's just my impression.
To my knowledge, police bribery is not widespread-it's not an issue. If it is uncovered, it is reported in the news and openly condemned, although I can't think of an instance where this has happened in recent times.
In the United States, the police are separated into departments, or jurisdictions based on counties or cities. Generally, police from one county do not have authority to investigate crimes or punish wrongdoing in other counties. (I.e. if Miami police are investigating a suspect and the suspect commits a crime in New York City, there would be an issue of authority. Then the Federal police would step in).
Is there this division in France? Are there federal and local police?
How often are the police asked to intervene in minor infractions and to solve disputes among people?
Il n'y a pas en France de division hiérarchique des polices. Néanmoins il y a deux corps de police :
– la Gendarmerie Nationale qui est une force militaire qui officie plutôt en milieu rural
– la Police Nationale qui est une force civile, que l'on trouve plutôt en ville.
Cette distinction est plus historique que fonctionnelle car elles effectuent globalement les mêmes missions (enquêtes, contrôles routiers, …). Elles ont chacunes des juridictions attribuées, mais je ne sais pas vraiment comment ça se passe si l'une doit intervenir dans la juridiction de l'autre.
Je ne crois pas qu'il y ai d'équivalent à la gendarmerie aux État-Unis. Me trompé-je ?
That is correct. There is no special "Gendarmerie Nationale" in the United States. As far as I am aware, the police is simply divided into different precincts, depending on geography. Although I think en general large metropolitan cities have a more strict and aggressive (perhaps alert is a better word) police force while the ones in more rural areas are generally more laid back.