One of your guests (the friend of a friend)
goes and helps himself/herself in your fridge without asking
for your permission

 Un de vos invités - l'ami(e) d'un(e)
ami(e) - va se servir dans le frigo sans vous demander la permission

 annoyed, but not serious

C'est la vie.

don't care

excuse me, mind asking first?

feel annoyed at his/her rudeness

He is very rude

hey someone else does that too, maybe they should have better manners

I ignore it.

I raise my eyebrow. S/he should have asked...

I teasingly ask them what they think they are doing

I would ask him/her if I could help him/her with anything else.

I would think the guest was very impolite.

i would think to myself that they're rude

i would try to get my point across jokingly

i wouldn't be too happy, but probably wouldn't do anything about it

i'd be somewhat confused but not realy care

I'd get up and ask if anybody else wants a drink.

I'd politely reprimand him.

ignore it (unless if he/she eats tomorrow's meal)

Ignore it unless they did it again

let them eat and deal with it later

oh well

say " next time, i wish you'd ask me first".

say jokingly "Just help yourself, why don't you!"

shoot them right between the eyes

tell him to stop; that is very rude.

tell the person to ask next time.

think nothing

think that they are rude, but do nothing

yell at him

 don't care

il a raison je l'ai invitée/si je veux pas: je le dis c'est pas un probleme

j'essaie de le faire remarquer discrètement à l'ami(e) en question

Je glisse cela dans la conversation avec mon ami(e)la fois suivante

Je le laisse faire tant qu'il ne le vide pas.

Je le lui fais remarquer.

Je lui demande s'il trouve ce qu'il cherche.

je lui dis avec ironie:"fais comme chez toi!"

Je lui dis de faire attention à sa ligne

je lui dis de faire comme chez lui

je lui dis de faire comme chez lui avec humour

Je lui dis ironiquement "Ne te gênes pas surtout"

Je lui dit : "vas-y, prend ce que tu veux"

je lui fais une remarque sur un ton ironique

je lui fais une remarque,pas content

je me dis qu'il est bizarre

je ne dis rien (mais je ne l'inviterai peut-être plus)

Je ne dis rien mais je n'apprécie pas du tout

je ne fais de réflexions que s'il recommence

je ne l'invite plus

Je pense qu'elle est un peu sans gêne

Je pense qu'il n'a pas de gêne.

Je pense qu'il n'est vraiment pas bien élevé.

Je penserais qu'il/elle exagère.

Pas grave, c'est un ami

Pour qui se prend-t-il? Quel mal élevé!

Quel culot ! Je ne dit rien

Si je l'ai invitée alors elle a le droit

très bien,


J'ai entendu dire que se servir librememt dans le frigidaire etait une sorte de tradition en Amerique. D'apres vos reponses et vos observations, cela n'a pas l'air d'etre le cas. qu'en dites-vous ?

I have always thought that it was proper to ask someone if it was o.k. to look in their fridge. Or better yet, simply ask someone if they could get something for me. I don't really know why it would be thought that we simply go and open each other's refrigerators.

On the other hand, I guess that there is nothing wrong with it. After all, what could someone possibly hide in their fridge? A cadaver?

Getting into someone else's fridge is like drinking out of the milk carton and putting it back. When I think of someone helping themselves to food, I think of what I've grown up watching on televsion (sorry to keep bringing up television, but we see this sort of thing all the time on 'Cosby Show' 'Growing Pains' etc.), but not even my best friends do this sort of thing in my home.

J'ai l'impression que beaucoup plus de français que d'américains utilisent l'ironie pour se sortir de ce genre de situation. Est-ce une réalité ou bien me trompe-je?

I think that Americans use irony just as much as the French in a situation like this. Americans like to joke around with each other, and often use sarcasm to slip in the truth in a round-about way. It makes certain comments less aggressive but can still get the point across.

I wouldn't say that going into someone's refrigerator is a tradition in America. I think it really depends on who the person is, where you are, why they are doing it, etc. For instance, if a good friend comes into my (dorm) room and they look in my refrigerator, I wouldn't really care. But if the same friend came to visit me at my parents' house, I might think that was rude. And if someone I barely know came into my room and opened my refrigerator, I would think that was rude too.

As far as using irony to get out of this sort of situation, I think it is fairly common in the US. It seems less confrontational to make a joke about it being rude than to seriously say something.

The use of irony by Americans, I think depends on who the person is and what one's relationship with the person is. Personally, if I have a friend over I don't care if they go to the fridge to get a bite to eat. Although if they do this, I usually ask them if I can get them something because they are my guest and it is my responsibility to serve them. Also, they most likely wouldn't know their way around or where any thing is. Now, if my best friend were to come over, she just goes through the fridge and I let her because she knows her way around my kitchen. I think the reaction to this situation, similar to the other situations in the questionaire, depends on several varibles.
