You are at the movies. The people sitting
right behind you make loud comments about the film
Vous êtes au cinéma et des gens
assis derrière vous commentent le film à voix haute
ask them to quit
Ask them to talk quieter
Bitch to your friends afterwards about the idiot.
glare at them and comment loudly to my friends about the idiots behind me.
I start talking about them with my friend to tease them
I turn and ask them to please whisper
I turn around and stare at them
I turn around and tell them to shut the fuck up.
I would be annoyed but probably wouldn't say anything to them.
I would give them a nasty look and then move to a different seat.
I would ignore them.
i would move seats
i'd be kinda annoyed but probably not do anythign for a while
I'd feel bad, because I know I do the same.
I'd think "what a bunch of idiots", but I wouldn't do anything
If it annoyed me, I would politely ask them to be quiet.
if it's a comment, I laugh out loud.
ignore them and move
ignore, if persists tell them to be quiet
it's ok to me, i don't mind such details.
laugh and jump in
maybe they don't realize how loud they are, they sound stupid
probably move seats, or say "excuse me"
shut them up
tell them to shut the fuck up
try to ignore it
Turn around and ask them to be quiet.
turn around and give them an annoyed look
wait for a while
ça suffit, taisez-vous.
j'explose car cela m'énerve et leur demande de se taire
je change de place
Je change de place
Je fais : "Chuuut!"
je fais comme tout le monde : "chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut!!!!"
je leur demande de baisser de ton
Je leur demande de baisser le ton, on n'est pas à la foire.
Je leur demande de baisser le ton.
Je leur demande de cesser.
je leur demande de le faire à voix basse
je leur demande de parler moins fort
je leur demande de se taire
je leur demande de se taire
je leur demande de se taire
je leur demande de se taire
je leur demande poliement de se taire
je leur demande poliment de se taire
Je leur demande poliment de se taire.
Je leur fais comprendre qu'ils me gênent.
Je lui demande de se taire et de respecter le autres spectateurs.
Je me retourne en les fusillant du regard
Je me retourne et je leur demande de se taire.
Je me retourne et les regarde de travers
je me retourne et leur dit de se taire: il le font car je suis persuasifs
Je me retourne pour leur dire de se taire
Je me retourne pour leur montrer qu'ils me dérangent.
JE ne dis rien (il m'arrive de le faire aussi si le film est raté)
shut them up
bonjour, Je trouve que dans la majorité des cas nous réagissons de la même manière aux situations proposées dans le questionnaire. (il n'y a pas à mon avis de grosses différences entre Américains et Français). Pourtant,dans le cas présent,nous n'avons pas le même comportement : les Français s'adressent directement à ceux qui parlent: ils leur demandent de se taire 14 fois, de baisser le ton (5 fois). Alors que les Américains ne disent shut up que 2 fois,et de parler plus doucement 3 fois. Par contre, le regard semble plus important pour faire passer le message. Est-ce que les Américains seraient plus timides?;-) et n'oseraient pas s'adresser directement à ceux qui font du bruit? ou peut-être les salles de cinéma sont-elles plus bruyantes?
Apparemment, vous etes plus tolerants que nous, en ce qui concerne les bavards au cine. A part cela, il n'y a pad grande difference... Au fait, quels sont les films qui passent actuellement chez vous ?
Bonjour a tous, J suis desole mais moi, je ne change pas de place. Si je change, je risque de me retrouver a cote de quelqu un qui mange du pop corn ou qui boit du coca en faisant un bruit monstrueux. Alors je leur dis de fermer leur gueule. A bon entendeur, salut.
Bonjour à tous!
Il semblerait que les français soient beaucoup plus directs que les américains. Très peu se contentent d'ignorer ou de simplement toiser du regard les gêneurs. Il peut y avoir plusieurs raisons à ce phénomène. 1) Les français sont moins tolérants que les américains. 2) Les américains sont plus timides que les français. Qu'en pensez vous et surtout avez-vous d'autres explications?
I think that in the United States, people are more likely to try to mind their own business. People would rather just move to another seat or ignore the problem than try to do something about it... Also, there is a safety issue here. I had talked with some other people about this, and they brought up the point that in a darkened movie theatre, one never knows if the loud person behind them has a gun or is seven feet tall or anything... You don't want to die a stupid death because you told someone to shut up while watching "Dumb and Dumber".
Salut je comprends un peu la réaction américaine. En effet, lorsque j'ai été voir Scream 2, un groupe de personnes étaient venus pour embêter les autres et faisaient du bruit. Des personnes leur ont fait des réflexions directement et cela a fini en bagarre. Ca donne un peu à réfléchir avant de parler...
I agree with Steve about the safety issue. I try to avoid confrontation with strangers, since you never know if the guy behind you is crazy and has a gun. I know this probably sounds paranoid, but in the really small chance that the guy behind you is crazy, it would not have been worth it. And if people are rude enough to be loud during a movie, saying something might not help.
think that most americans are apathetic on these types of issues. from these responses it seems that americans are more passive than the french. i find it interesting that a common stereotype is that americans are very aggressive. it seems that the opposite is true.
I would agree that Americans tend to be fairly laid back in situations like this. It's definitely not worth making someone you don't know angry by yelling at them - it would be much easier to either deal with it or get up and change seats. It's not that Americans are more timid than the French, and it's not even that they're not aggressive. It's just that there are certain things that we're more willing to deal with than others, and noise in this case may be one of them. Do you think that perhaps the French are more protective of their personal space than Americans?
Salut à tous!
Je suis vraiment désolé d'apprendre que vous êtes susceptibles de mourir à tous les coins de rue. Cela n'est peut-être pas de la paranoia comme le suggérait Allison, mais simplement une triste réalité contre laquelle on ne peut pas faire grand chose. Je pense que les français qui vont au cinéma estiment qu'ils sont là pour oublier leurs tracas et qu'il n'y a pas de raison qu'une personne vienne gâcher leur plaisir en discutant à côte. Cela est d'autant plus vrai que dans certains cas ces personnes ont économisé "longtemps" avant de pouvoir s'offrir cette place de cinéma.
C'est assez effrayant de constater qu'aux USA, il peut être dangereux de faire une remarque à quelqu'un et qu'il peut même sortir une arme et vous menacer. (Est-ce une exagération ou est-ce réel? Avez vous déjà été menacé par une personne armée?).
It seems like Americans are less confrontational in several of these situations. I think they just don't want to bother with the situation. They probably think it's too much of a hassle and would rather let it pass than make a scene.
Sure, there is a lot of crime in the United States, but it is nothing like Scream 2. If we live our lives in fear that someone may have a gun, we are not truly living happily. I'm sure that you use common sense when approaching strangers as much as we do. Having said that, if I have a problem with someone talking during a movie, I will tell them as politely as possible to keep it down.
In a way, there is a problem with people making noise in a movie and disturbing you. However, I think that the way Americans deal with it has something to do with rights and "the pursuit of hapiness." If you can be happy watching the movie from a different seat, than why should you make others unhappy by demanding that they refrain from commenting on a movie? To tell you the truth, I am known for occasionally throwing in a loud comment myself, and I have never had anyone ask me to be quiet. I guess that's America for you.
I think that it depends where you go to see a movie. When I lived in the Bronx, you would be more careful to tell people "shut up!", but here in Boston I would politely ask them to be quiet. Don't you think there would a similar situation if you saw a movie in the banlieue or in the center of Paris?
I don't think that Americans are scared for their safety everytime they turn a corner. There are just some common sense things that should be followed.
Also, I think it depends on the person who is talking. If it is a bunch of kids, then I would have no problem telling them to be quiet. Whereas if it were adults, I would be more hesitant. Perhaps it is because we are timid, but oftentimes I think it is easier to sit there and be angry at the people tlaking rather than saying something and having them angry at you. It just seems less awkward.
The french and american reactions were very similar, frustration and anger. However, I noticed that the americans are less likely, in reality, to turn around and say"Shhhh!"None of the american responses suggested this kind of response. Again, here the french are more aggressive compared to the americans.
Maybe, it has to do with the issue of respect. In France, when a person feels that he is being disrespected(loud music at night), he becomes aggressive. But if he is not disrespected, he has no right to become aggressive.(for example, the case of the mother slapping her child) Is this true?