

 powerful exclussive

education , friends

white, WASP, men, country clubs, Harvard, mansions

wealthy, private, high class

number one, top

snobs, rich


social class, structure rich, cultured

wealthy, few

exceptional, best

opulence, opportunity

gymnast, highest, top


top, untouchable

intellectuals, rich

marine corps, mit, me

rich, snobbish, white collar, prestigious

ivy league, tennis, golf

superior, arrogant

intelligentsia, leaders

rich, powerful, country clubs

distinguished, separate, class


rich, powerful, intellectually, culturally

rich, educated, selfish

snob, best

exclusive, rich, secret

rich, wealthy

 prépa, riche, social

Bureaucratie, dirigeants

nous, classes préparatoires

pouvoir, domination, supérieur



prépa, grandes écoles

oligarchie intellectuelle aristocratique

pouvoir, riche, intelligents

grandes écoles, réussite sociale,

chef d'état,généraux

meilleur, supérieur

ena ,grande école,savoir

ridicule, grandes écoles


prépa, priviligiés


pédant, ennuyeux, fierté


supérieur, érudit, savoir

inégalité,suprématie,science,pouvoir,idéeà détruire

diplomates,grande Ecole

Bureaucratie, dirigeants


Polytechnique, E.N.A., costard-cravate

cerveaux , intelligence poussée, cadres supérieurs

excellence, diriger

sélection, capacités

sclérose, ENA


I've just finished to read the results for the word 'elite' and I noticed that for the Americans, elite was considered as snobbish, rich people who spent their time in country clubs, but in France elite was only school and awards. That's interesting because I know that MIT is the most famous engineering School in the United States, and when you think about the word elite, you don't think immediatly about your school. What do you think about it? I'm waiting for your answers... PS: I personnaly agree that elite doesn't have a positive aspect. Bye AntoiNou

That's a pretty interesting observation. I think most peopel don't tend to think of their schools as "Elite" persay because it has that negative connotation. When I personally think of MIT I think of it more as a neat opportunity and school, but not as something that isn't available to everyone(if they're willing to work for it). As is seen in most of our associations, we value freedom and equality here in America. I think our opinion of eliteness and desire to avoid it as a description of ourselves is representative of this.

think another reason why we don't tend don't to associate the word "elite" with MIT and other universities is because the people we think of as being part of the "elite" didn't become part of it because of their education. they're usually considered elite for other reasons.

Mon propos va aller dans le même sens que celui d' Antoine: en français, "élite" fait plutôt penser en premier lieu à une catégorie de gens intelligents et pas forcément riches et snobs comme cela l' est pour vous. Certes, pour certains français, le fait de faire parti de l' élite de la Nation leur fait tourner la tête et les rend snobs, mais heureusement ce n' est pas le cas de tous. Par ailleurs, le mot "élite" nous fait penser à "classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles" car la plupart d' entre nous en sont issus (et sont bien contents d' en être sortis!);pour nous c' est le passage privilégié pour entrer dans ces écoles mais c' est un passage difficile et douloureux! Et pour vous, comment cela se passe-t-il? Merci pour vos réponses !

In the US, I don't think that people think of "elite" in terms of schools, but usually in terms of fame or money or success. So while going to a good university is often a means to becoming elite, going to a good college is not itself considered elite. I think this might be because there isn't as much competition in the US for getting into colleges.

I think that your country is held to high regards. When dream about visiting France, and we brag when we do. We think of the Haute Coutuire, the wine, and cuisine as being elite. Do you see the United States as an elite place? why or why not?

what is "foutaise" ?

Nisha, foutaise est un terme pejoratif qui signifie "n'importe quoi", "betise". A+ Emilie

Salut est-ce que vous connaissez ce que sont les classes preparatoires?
