a good friend

Un bon

is there for you

is there for you when it's hard.

who backs you up in a tight situation.

who cares about you.

who doesn't remember you only when he needs you

who intimatly understands your personality

who is always there for you.

who is supportive no matter what

who is there when you are in trouble.

who listens,not afraid to tell you the truth

who respects you and does nice things for you.

who supports you even when you're not around.

who you can trust and have fun with.

will be there when you need them

will listen to your problems

you can trust

you can trust, who has your best interest at heart

avec qui on passe bcp de temps et qu'on aprécie

avec qui vous aimez passer du temps
en qui je peux faire confiance

en qui on peut avoir une confiance absolue

écoute, soutien, s'amuse

prêt à vous aider quand vous avez besoin de lui

qui aide dans tous les cas

qui est franc, qui sait aider, qui sait recevoir

qui est toujours là

qui écoute et qui est toujours là quand il le faut

qui partage les mêmes craintes et les mêmes espoirs

qui vous aidera dans les moments difficiles.

sur qui on peut compter

sur qui on peut compter.

à qui on peut tout confier



thought it was cool how simmilar our responces to this sentence were. we differ on most of them so its interesting to see what we do agree on. im glad that the idea of a good friend seems to be universally dependant on the same qualities, trust, comfort and dependability.


I have noticed that though responses to this question were mostly the same for both sides, as Luke has said, but there were some subtle differences. For example, the most oftenly occuring thought among French responses is that a good friend helps you, while in American responses - a good friend simply is there for you (though the other response happens for both sides, it's not nearly as prevalent). Why do you think this is so?
