a good job

Un bon emploi

 allows you to progress

challenging, fun, intellectually stimulating

done thoroughly and to the best of your ability

is a job that results in satisfaction

that allows for personal success

that I enjoy

that is fascinating, and stimulating

that isn't too stressful

that keeps me enthusiastic

that keeps you learning throughout it.

that one enjoys, that pays well

that pays more then enought and is enjoyable

that pays well and has a good environment.

that pays well for work that is stimulating.

that pays well in an unstressful environment

that pays well, but is not terribly demanding

that requires no work

that you can enjoy

that you can enjoy.

that you enjoy

that you enjoy and can live on.

that you find interesting and enjoy doing.

that you thoroughly enjoy doing.

that you would do even without the pay

that's intellectually stimulating.

where I do what I want.

where you learn and have fun

with good experience, good coworkers, and good pay

 à responsabilités (et bien rémunéré)

agréable, bien payé, auquel on prend plaisir

auquel on se rend avec joie et qui paye bien

bien rémunéré et passionnant

dans lequel on s'épanouit



intéresant, bien payé


intéressant et bien payé.

intéressant et bien rémunéré

intéressant mais qui laisse beaucoup de temps libre

ou l'on s'épanouit et qui paye bien

où il nous plaît de travailler pour un bon salaire

où l'on se sent bien

qui donne du plaisir

qui permet de gagner sa vie.

qui répond à ses qualification

qui vous passionne, qui gagne bien

qui vous plait, où vous vous accomplissez.

qui vous plait.

stable et enthousiasment.

stable, bien rémunéré et qui offre du plaisir

stable, intéressant, bien payé,

stable, intéressant, laissant un temps aux loisirs

stable, qui existe, qui plait

sûr et passionnant



Preuve de l'internationalisation de l'économie, nos réponses sur le sujet de l'emploi sont quasiment les mêmes. Il doit être bien payé (mais cette condition est citée moins souvent que je ne l'aurais pensé, ne serions-nous pas un peu idéalistes quant à nos motivations?) . La seule petite différence interculturelle concerne la stabilité de l'emploi,non citée dans vos réponses,elle préoccupe pourtant nombre de français -chômage oblige-.

Le chômage est tout de même important au Etats-Unis,ça ne vous préoccupe pas?Est-ce parce que vous serez cadre en entrant sur le marché du travail?

I think that the reason for the discrepancy on the topic of unemployment has to do with the fact that we're attending MIT. We've been led to believe that getting a degree from MIT essentially guarantees us a job once we enter the workforce. I think that for a lot of people, the thought that they themselves might someday be unemployed doesn't even cross their minds. In this case, it seems that ignorance is bliss.

If i remember correctly, the unenployment rate here in the US is lower than that of France. that probably affects how much we think about being unemployed. however, what stephen wrote is quite true- nearly all MIT graduates can get jobs simply because they went to mit!!! another interesting (maybe) stat is that the default rate on student loans of mit graduates is under 1%... i.e. 99% of mit students make enough money after they graduate to pay off their loans one way or another. well, students are also given 10 years to pay off the loans, so maybe it isn't quite as impressive as it sounds :)

Bonjour Je voudrais juste avoir une précision. Trouver un travail est presque certain pour vous mais êtes-vous aussi certains de pouvoir faire exactement ce qui vous plaira?

We would like to hope that an MIT degree will open doors for us and allow us to get the jobs that we'd like. While I imagine many will be going into certain jobs only to make money, having an MIT degree means that you can work whatever job you please.
