

  absolute evil


strength, prestige

status, fear

knowledge is power


rule, control

control, domination

leaders, dangerous, strength

men, authority, white, cigar, suits, MBA, sex

corruption, electricity, regulation

arrogance, deceit

president, money


easy to misuse


politics, marine corps

government, abuse, desire, hunger

money, success, military


megawatts, sports, might

money, persuasive

God, electricity, wattage


misuse, plans,

corruption, dangerous, desirable

over-rated, unequal

president, strength

 peur, respect, gagner

autorité, droits

argent, Etat

emprise , décision , responsabilités

despote, autoritaire


Gloire, argent, gouvernement



règne, autorité, souverain


politique, éphèmere, argent


puissance, président


achat, autorité, argent


diriger, argent, force


puissance, élite



force, autorité, pression

diriger, puissance

autoritarisme, politique

autorité absolu partage

président de la république, vouloir

Gloire, argent, gouvernement

dictature, démagogie


Je suis surprise par l' apparition à plusieurs reprises dans vos réponses de mots tels que electricity, wattage, megawatt; en français, le mot qui irait bien avec cela est "puissance" mais pas du tout "pouvoir"! Comme quoi, la traduction est quelquechose de délicat!

J'ai pu constater que pour vous, comme pour les français, pouvoir est associé à l'argent, autorité, puissance. Cependant, vous associez également des idées différentes, comme l'électricité. On remarque aussi que vous parlez des "marines", entité importante à vos yeux, si on en croit les apparences.

Just as in many of the other word associations, I see that for the word "power," Americans have a more negative outlook than the French. The french think of authority, government, and strength, and although Americans also think of strength, words such as dangerous, abuse, and corruption were prevalent in their responses. I am wondering whether Americans think this way because of the way our government is run or because of the way we view control. Americans may see control as negative because of its restraints on their freedom, while the French see it as merely part of politics, and as a necessity for a strong, cohesive country.

I was amazed by how often the french side had the word "money/argent" appear, where as the american side spoke of electric bills. I guess the MIT got to few of us and when we heard power, we started to integrate it, find source and come up with equations, not thinking about the abstract, like politics or government (but those too appeared some) And a quick remark on the marines, of course its important to me, i'm in it and from an inside pointo f view, believe me, there is plenty of power there.

Well, putting apart the electrical disgression which is only a consequence of the fact that power can be translated


as puissance and pouvoir, I think that Adeline has a point when she speaks of control. For example, I do *not* believe that as Krzysztof says marines have plenty of power. I merely think that they are a powerfull mean to apply the government's power. I think it is essential not to confuse the power and the use of power. Coming back to Adeline, I think the differences in the viewings of power is due to history and differing governments. I mean, the US are a union of states, therefore a use of power from the central power (government) is not always welcome -correct me if i'm wrong- because it may be seen as an interference in domestic affairs (because it's the part we are concerned with). Whereas in France, we always have had a central power, and not until recently a real democracy. However, the US have not really known too strong a unique power, and as a consequence, it is my opinion that they fear it more. (I do not say they are wrong, but it is known that one fears what one does not know).And i believe that is the reason why americans tend to see power (as we interpret it, ie central power in government) as more dangerous than us.


Krzysztof que représentent pour toi les "marines"? Est-ce que tu les considère comme des défenseurs des Etats-unis? Dans les films américains, on voit souvent des marines dans leurs beaux costumes d'apparat, et je pense que les américains en sont très fiers. Mais, est-ce que tu considères que l'armée a un pouvoir très grand à l'intérieur même des Etats-Unis, un peu comme un pouvoir politique? Est-ce que des agences comme la CIA sont ressenties comme très influentes sur la société améeicaine, comme ça semble être le cas dans les films?