class students grades
life, party
work, teachers
teacher, public, homework, stress, private, study
classes, teachers, textbooks
classes, dorm
education, teachers classes, teachers, labs
schoolwork, elementary school
homework, stress
MIT, teachers
education, books
hard, work, yuck
work, difficult, preparation
hell, tiesink, money
studying, pain, pencils
homework, teachers
science, friends
work, studying, friends
MIT, homework, stress
Backpack, Books, Pencils
students, teachers, friends
books, classes, homework
difficult, time-consuming
l'ecole, food, learn
travail, copains, discipline
Professeurs, Cours, Communauté
école d'ingénieur, amis, travail
études, cours, devoirs
élève, professeur, cours
élèves, étudier, cours
éducation publique privée
étude, université, stylo, travail
école d'ingénieur, copains, campus,
professeurs,élèves, salle de classe
élèves, professeurs, apprendre
travail, réussite, amis
enseignement, professeurs, copains
éducation, culture, connaissance
enseignement, vie associative, concours
obligation, devoir civil,développement
Jules Ferry,Charlemagne,craie
Professeurs, Cours, Communauté
grande école, professeur, école primaire
travail , apprentissage , épanouissement
savoir, métier
Etudes, Préparatoire
intégration, formation
I do not understand the word "tiesink". May you help me please ? thank you
actually, that was a typo. i think that was supposed to be "timesink" which means that school takes up a lot of our time.
Your description of school seems to be more idealistic than that of the United States. You used words and expressions such as opening up and community, while several MIT students used words such as stress, hell, and pain. However, the words teachers, work, classes, and friends showed up frequently for both countries. What is the stress level in your school? Are most people happy?
Salut Amy, non ici ce n'est pas l'enfer. Stress? Connais plus... Ca c'etait avant lorsque j'etais en classes preparatoires (je ne sais pas si vous avez l'equivalent aux Etats-Unis mais ce sont deux annees tres dures en mathematiques ou en commerce) Et vous, a quel niveau ressentez vous tout ce stress?
I am curious why the American outlook on education is so negative compared to that of the French. As a student in France, what is your opinion on why that is true? Do you think it's because you enjoy learning perhaps more than American students do? In America these days, it is just expected of each person to get a certain amount of education, so we have many people in schools who just don't want to be there. Is that true in France? Also, especially at an intense school like MIT, students are extremely stressed out, and as a result are unhappy. What kind of state of mind are French students in as college students?
A few MIT students associated books with school, whereas, you didn't. What is your learning style in France? It seemed like your responses were more positive than ours.
I find it interesting that we chose such negative words for school in comparison to you. I do not think that these words are representative of America, but I believe that they are merely a reflection of the intense workload of the semester being in full swing. My word association with 'school' would have been much different had I been asked during the summer, when everything is relaxed and when my motivation to acheive my goals is high. Would you have expected Americans to 'hate' education?
I can see very interesting differences between our words and yours. I admire the fact that you consider formal education as preparation for serving the comunity. It is admirable how your responses reflect the social responsability that you feel towards your community. i.e preparing yourself for being useful to your society. That is sometimes the mentality here, but unfortunately in some cases ,people tend to narrow themselves as individuals and only concentrate in fulfilling their own personal interests .
I think in the US, people might take for granted the fact that pretty much anyone who wants to go to college can. In France, it is very competitive to get into a "grande ecole". Is this why the French answers are more positive? Because the French students feel lucky and proud to be at INT, while we take for granted being at MIT?
Il me semble que l'image de l'ecole est plus positive en France qu'aux Etats-Unis parce qu'elle est directement liee a l'idee de reussite. Reussir de brillantes etudes, entrer dans une "grande ecole", signifie pratiquement etre assure de son avenir: en France, on appelle ca la meritocratie. Selon moi, cela presente autant d'avantages que d'inconvenients. Un des principaux avantages, c'est que la selection ne se fait pas sur l'argent, mais sur l'intelligence (enfin sur une certaine forme d'intelligence). Un des principaux inconvenients est qu'une fois entre dans une de ces grandes ecoles, on est presque obligatoirement considere comme une personne capable de remplir toutes les fonctions, un peu comme si, en reussissant le concours d'entree on avait gagne un ticket, un passe-partout ouvrant toutes les portes, et par la meme un certificat de reussite future et de prestige. Or ceci se revele assez souvent errone. Il me semble que le systeme americain, s'il aurait tendance a selectionner a l'entree par l'argent, a cet avantage qu'il impose aux eleves de faire leurs preuves par la suite sur des experiences concretes : quelqu'un aura reussi non seulement parce qu'il aura suivi les cours d'une universite reputee, mais aussi (et surtout) parce qu'il aura montre ses capacites sur le terrain (diriger une entreprise par exemple).
PS: toutes mes excuses pour les accents, il n'y en a pas sur mon clavier.
I agree that in the US there are educational advantages for having the money, but I think that there is still an emphasis on education being the key to enjoying life and being successful. There are schools here in all the cities and if a student wanted to go to college, there are ways for the student to get there and recieve the higher education. I think many of us here at MIT put such negative words down, because as we are trying to attain our goals, we work too many hours on homework adn reading, sports, activities, and on top of that we go out and have fun.
If americans have the money, then yes, they have the opportunity for a better education, but even the people without money can get the education that they want.
Allison, je pense que tu n'as pas tort: tous les élèves de l'INT y sont rentrés après avoir passé un concours pas facile et s'y être longuement préparé, donc pour la plupart nous sommes très heureux d'être dans l'école où nous sommes et cela modifie sûrement notre vision du mot "école".