You can't find your favorite sweater. Last time
you saw it, it was at the student cafeteria
Vous ne retrouvez plus votre pull préféré.
La dernière fois que vous l'avez vu, c'était au
ask my friends if the've seen it, or go to the cafeteria and look there.
go back to look for it. if it's not there, i should have known better
go back to the cafeteria
go back to the cafeteria and look for it
go back to the cafeteria.
Go look for it.
go to the student cafeteria
I can't believe I was so tupid to forget it!
I check my drawers, then go to cafeteria
I go back, maybe its still there.
I go look for the sweater in the cafeteria.
i lost it, i'm so forgetful, i should check around
i probably left it there, it's lost now.
i try to think where i was sitting and go back there to find it
I will go back there to look for it
I would go back and look for it
I would think someone had stolen it.
i'd be angry and try to go find it
I'd get mad at myself for being so absent-minded.
I'd go to the cafeteria to look for it.
If it's convenient, I would go to the cafeteria.
it's probably gone by now
Look for it at the cafeteria.
oh well....
Panic and then go get it
put something else on and stop by to see if it was still their. Pissed off
Run to the cafeteria and see if I left it there
think about when you saw it
walk to the cafeteria
ce n'est qu'un objet matériel, et je vais le chercher
il est déjà parti vers de nouvelles aventures
J'en met un autre et je file au resto
J'en mets un autre et je vais vite au restau-U.
j'envoie un e-mail généralisé
J'espère que personne ne me l'a volé.
j'essais de le retrouver au et je demande à tout le monde s'il l'a vu
J'irai voir si personne ne l'a trouvé.
je cours au resto U le rechercher si il y est encore.....
je cours au RU
je cours le chercher au restau-U et je demande partout
je cours le chercher là-bas
Je demande au responsable s'il ne l'a pas trouvé
Je fonce au RU !
Je me rue au resto U
je pars à la recherche de mon pull
Je retourne au restau-U et refais le chemin suivant.
je retourne au restau-U
je retourne au restau-U et demande s'ils ne l'ont pas retrouvé
Je retourne au restau-U et demande si quelqu'un l'a retrouvé.
Je retourne voir s'il y est toujours.
Je sais qu'il est définitivement perdu.
Je suis dégouté et cours au RU pour le retrouver
Je vais au restau-U
je vais directement au RU le rechercher
je vais le chercher
Je vais le demander au RU
Je vais voir si je ne l'ai pas laissé là bas.
Ca m'amuse de voir que certains pensent a en mettre un autre...!!! Que faites vous au MIT lorsque vous perdez ou trouvez quelque chose??? etes-vous plutot honnetes les uns avec les autres????
If I found something like a wallet (that had the person's name on it), and that I thought a less honnest person would steal, then I would take it and email the person it belonged to. If it were something like a sweater, though, I'd leave it, because I know the person would come back looking for it. And if I lost something, I'd go back to where I was to look for it. If it wasn't there and it was something important, I would call the Campus Police (they have a lost and found) and see if they had it.
Houla... appeler la police pour un pull !!... Bon si c'est pour le service objets trouvés, OK... Enfin bon, ça m'a fait drole de voir les mots "Campus Police"... dans notre Campus, on appelle ça le vigile (ben oui, y'en n'a qu'un... enfin bon, l'INT c'est moins grand que le MIT...)
Bonjour a tous, Je suis etonne de voir que la plupart d entre nous va au restau U pour chercher le pull. Moi, je suis tellement degoute de l avoir oublie que je n ai meme pas la force de me lever. Je me dis encore une fois que j ai des problemes psychologiques profonds. Et vous? A bon entendeur, salut.
Xavier, I am a little confused as to why you would be shocked that Americans would go back and look for the sweater they lost, when many of the French responded the same way. It seems natural to think that you would go back and look for something you lost, if that object means anythign to you. Apparently the sweater does not mean enough to you to go back and look for it? Is everything you lose not worth looking for, or is it just the sweater in particular that you would not look for?
I noticed that many of your responses were active, while ours were passive. You would ask people if they saw or found the sweater, while we would just go back and look for it without asking around. I know I would probably just go back and look for the sweater, unless a lot of time had passed. If I left it early in the day and didn't remember it until late, I would figure someone took it. Now this would depend on the place I left it. If it is a very public place I would probably go look, but figure it wouldn't be there. If I found something, I would leave it there, unless it had a name on it and was something that seemed valuable such as a wallet.
I agree with Megan. It seems like it would be a waste of time to ask around to see if people had seen the sweater. It is unlikely that anyone even noticed it was there... I sometimes see things that perhaps someone left behind, but it doesn't register in my mind permanently that it was a lost item that someone out there was looking for. Therefore, I wouldn't expect many other people in my surroundings to have remembered seeing my sweater.