Your parents criticize you
Vos parents
vous critiquent
accept it and talk to them about it later
criticize them in front of my friends
defrend yourself
Either talk to them about it or criticize them back.
I don't really mind that.
I hate it. Leave the house
I pull them aside and tell them to stop
I would speak to them about it later....that would never happen
I wouldn't say anything but feel really bad
i yell at them later
I'm displeased but won't say anything
laugh it off
Make fun of myself so the critism does not seem like that big
of a deal.
not a problem.
Say something witty to make light of the situation
tell them later to please do so in private in the future
Tell your parents about it privately, perhaps at the dinner table.
They'd never do that. My parents are great.
try to make light of it
à part, je leur dis que ce n'est pas le moment
idéal pour le faire
ca dépend de la critique si ce n'est pas trop personnel
ça va
je fais semblant d'en rire et je leur en reparle ensuite
je le prends à la rigolade
je les contredis
Je leur demande d'arrêter.
je leur dit en privé d'éviter ce genre de comportement
je me défend
je me défends
je n'ai pas honte
je n'aime pas ça, mais ne dit rien
je ne dis rien
Je réponds aux critiques et je demande justification en
tête à tête
je répondrais devant mes amis en m'énnervant
ok, si c'est justifié je ne dis rien
pourquoi est-ce aussi important aux états unis que les parents critiquent leur enfant en privé seulement ?
En France il arrive que l'on se fasse gronder en publique sans que cela pose problème.
Critiquer et se faire gronder me paraissent etre 2 choses differentes...
De l'acceptation tacite et de l'autodéfense
De manière générale, on retrouve dans les deux cas le même type de comportement. C'est-à-dire que la critique des parents, même si elle n'est pas forcément acceptée, suscite peu d'opposition immédiate. Les enfants donnent en fait tacitement raison à leurs parents en public, ou essaient de détourner la conversion, souvent en prenant la situation sous un angle humoristique. En revanche, comparativement, les Français ont plus tendance à tenter de se défendre face à leurs parents que les Américains. Peut-être cela tient-il au fait que les étudiants français sont plus âgés que leurs homologues américains et s'estiment par conséquent plus à même d'affronter diplomatiquement leurs aînés ?
I think we American students prefer for our parents to criticize us in private (if at all), because when they do so in public, it's just embarrassing. The kid feels hurt and ashamed, for both themself and for their parents. I think there's a certain age when kids want to have some independence from their parents. What age is it in France?
I can not speak for all Americans because i have had a distinctly different upbringing than the stereotypical American child. Growing up Asian American there have been plenty of times that my parents have criticized me in public. My choice, however, would be to wait to defend myself in private. This is a product of my personality and my upbringing. I feel that by trying to defend myself would be almost as bad as admitting to the criticism. And, I was taught to respect elders no matter what. If parents or relatives say things that aren't correct it is not my place to criticize them, especially in public. i know that my point of view may be very different from my peers. In that case i would like to know what the French feel the stereotypical American child and parent is like? What is the stereotypical French child and parent like?