Your parents criticize you in front of your friends
Vos parents vous critiquent devant vos amis.
accept it and be quiet
address the criticism privately, but the fact that it was in front of my
friends doesn't matter as much
ask them not to do that again
depending on how personal the comment is either laugh or justify my actions
or talk to them about it in provate if it embarassed me
I accept their criticism
I ask them to talk about it later and get angry with them later, in private.
I tell them later, when we are alone, that what they did was entirely inappropriate
and embarassing and ask them, for future reference, to make known such criticisms
I will usually respond by agreeing or defending myself, based on the criticism.
I would be embarrassed and ask them later not to do that in the future.
i would be surprised but not say anything
I would laugh.
I would make a joke of it.
I would speak to them later about it.
I would take the criticism, if it's fair.
I would talk to them afterwards and tell them that I felt uncomfortable.
I would try to laugh it off at the time. Later, if I felt strongly enough
about it, I might tell my parents that what they said made me uncomfortable.
I would very embarassed and hurt
my parents wouldn't criticize me in front of my friends... or in front of
anyone for that matter. they wouldn't criticize me.
perhaps embarassment, and ask to talk about it later
roll my eyes.
that would never happen
This is so embarrassing and uncalled for.
et bien je les critiquerai devant
les leurs ;o)
et bien je les critiquerai devant les leurs ;o)
ils ne feraient pas ca
ils ne sont jamais contents de toute manière
j'accepte la critique, mais leur signale après coup que c'était
J'attends de me retrouver seul avec eux et je leur expose de façon
très agressive ma façon de voir
Je le fait remarquer aux parents en privé plus tard, qu'ils ne recommencent
Je les critique à mon tour devant leurs amis
je les ridiculise a mon tour
je leur demander d'arrêter: ce n'est pas le moment
je m en defend
je me critique aussi avec eux...
je me défends si cela en vaut le peine
Je me justifie, et leur retourne la critique
Je met fin à la conversation.
je rigole
Je ris et ironise de la situation en disant par exemple que si je ne leur
conviens pas il fallait se retenir il y a 21 ans...
Je suis vexé, mais j'essaie de ne pas répondre devant mes
amis (ce que je n'arrive pas toujours à faire!!)
J'explose et je dis à mes parents tout ce que je leur reproche depuis
mon enfance
La critique est évidemment bonne
les critiques provenant de mes parents sont les bienvenues
I was surprised that four of the French students
responded to this by saying that they would criticize
their parents in return, since in the phrases about good
parents and well-behaved children it seemed as though
children are expected to listen to their parents and not
speak up. Is there a difference between your
perceptions of what behavior is expected of and/or
appropriate for children and teenagers/college students?
For the four of you, does this mean that the
relationship between you and your parents is less
conventional or authoritative than the typical dynamic
between parents and children? Jess
Je doit avouer que ma relation avec mes parents est
surtiut faite de conflits latents et de critiques
permanentes (des 2 cotés). Bien sûr, un enfant bien
élevé doit s'éfforcer de rester poli, mais on a son
honneur et, à titre personnel, je ne laisse pas mes
parents se moquer de moi.
In response to your post, I was just wondering if you
would really shout back at your parents in front of your
friends? If so, is this the case generally among the
French youth? In some cultures, one would respect one's
elders to the extent that one would not even challenge
them, while others, one can challenge them in a gentle
manner. To what extent must one show respect to an
elder in France?
Jonathan, in your post you said "je ne laisse pas mes
parents se moquer de moi." Is critiquer a true synonym
for se moquer in French, or is that your personal
interpretation? If the first is true, that might
explain why our class responded much more passively than
your class. In English, being made fun is far more
negative connotation than being criticized, and would
possibly elicit responses more similar to those of your
classes, such as the need to retaliate: "je les
ridiculise a mon tour, je les critiquerai devant les
I guess I am a little confused. You said that one doesnt
accepte criticism very well and a violent reaction is
certain. But wouldnt one have an even stronger reaction
to being mocked by one's parents. If "se moquer" has a
more negative connatation and criticism seems a bit more
constructive, wouldnt one respond more violently to
being mocked?
J'ai déjà répondu à mes parents devant mes amis et ce
n'est pas très évident. Je pense que peu de personnes le
ferait parce que cela créé un certain malaise. Je pense
aussi que ce n'est pas parce que on leur répond qu'on ne
respecte pas ses parents. Eux aussi doivent avoir une
certaine retenue.
être moqué ou critiqué ne me fait pas plaisir. Ce ne
sont pas des synonymes mais il est vrai que la moquerie
est plus difficile à supporter.
As you get older how do you see you relationship with
your parents changing? Is there less of a strict,
educational attitude towards raising a child and more of
a friendship with that child?
How do you view adults' relationships with their