A good boss is someone ...
Un bon patron est quelqu'un ...
can lead well and be effective and efficient.
does not hover
provides guidance
does not micromanage
listens to your challenges and offers solutions.
motivates, energizes, coordinates
who believes in dialogues and not monologues, who accepts advice from his employees and who knows how to maintain good relationships between his employees.
who commands authority, but respects whom he presides over
who communicates well with his subordinates.
decisions, communication, interaction
who doesn't micro-manage, helps you succeed, and has good drive.
who encourages and motivates you.
who guides and instructs with care and sensitivity.
who helps you improve.
who is demanding but understanding.
who is respectful and considerate of his or her employees and treats them as he or she would like to be treated.
who is understanding, patient, and thorough.
who knows how to direct people in order to accomplish the task at hand.
who listens to your opinions and leads the office.
who provides positive leadership for a group of people, who understands the needs and concerns of those working under him, and who gets work done
who respects his subordinates
who respects you.
who pays you fairly and on time.
who does not micromanage you.
who respects your abilities, and allows you freedom to learn.
who supervises you.
who treats his or her employees with respect and does what is best for the company or group as a whole.
who treats his workers fairly, who knows what he's doing, who doesn't ask unreasonable tasks
who treats me as an equal, is not too strict
who understands the strengths and weaknesses of his inferiors and who is able to connect with them on a personal level as well as professional
who understands the work that his workers are doing, and manages effectively.
who understands your needs and your abilities and helps you to reach your full potential.
who wants to see you succeed along with the company.
Who will not fire you when you spent all week on a problem and need more time to finish it.
who's capacity and work ethic make him/her an example to his subordinates, and who also treats all with respect and fairness.
de sérieux et respectieux.
est à l'écoute de ses salariés, qui sait se faire respecter et qui prend de bonnes décisions pour l'entreprise
n'abuse pas de son pouvoir
ne prend pas de haut ses employés, les respecte et les écoute. Et sait faire des concessions a certains moments
qui arrive a nous faire aller de l'avant, qui nous motive et comprend que nous avons une vie en dehors de la vie professionnelle
qui donne un bon salaire, qui respecte ses employés, qui sait gérer son entreprise.
qui est à l'écoute de ces salariés,qui est motivant et qui a du charisme.
qui est à l'écoute de son personnel et sait déléguer le travail.
qui est à l'écoute de son salarié et qui donne une bonne rémunération
qui est Compréhensible, indulgent, honnête.
qui est poli, qui est gentil et serviable, qui accepte certains petits retards ou quelques absences.
qui est sérieux tout en ne soyant pas trop rigide.
qui gère bien son entreprise, ses salariés, qui est compréhensible.
qui me respecte et respecte mon travail, ne me crie pas dessus, me paie bien
qui ne met pas trop de pression sur ses employés,
qui est indulgent avec ses employés,
qui permet que ses employés puissent se détendre pendant les pauses,
qui paye correctement ses employés
qui nous respecte, reconnait le travail de ses employés, n'exploite pas ses employés.
qui paye bien,
qui est arrangeant,
ne râle pas trop
qui reconnait le travail de ses employés, qui les respecte.
qui respecte ses employés.
qui respecte ses salariés et leur donne une bonne rémunération!
qui sait écouter tout en étant ferme, qui doit avoir le sens des responsabilités.
qui se soucie de ses salalriés, pas autoritaire.
travaille bien, aimable, qui communique avec ses salariés, qui accepte quelques arrangements,
vous respecte et vous rémunère correctememt
The French mentioned most often that it is important to pay fairly. This was mentioned by the Frenchmuch more often than by the Americans. American responses were a little more varied, I thought, and were mostly different kinds of descriptive phrases of the different ways in which a good boss runs his or her company well (ex., communication, guides and instructs with sensitivity, etc.). The most frequent word category in the American responses was listening or communication, which is interestion because this was not mentioned as frequnetly in Frenc responses. Both sets of responses emphasized the importance of respect. I thought it was interesting that the French frequently mentioned that it's important for good bosses to be more flexible, understanding, and accepting if an employee is late, etc. Americans mentioned this as well, but not as frequently as the French. A few of the American responses also stated that "commanding authority" is good, while a few French responses implied that a strong sense of authority is a negative attribute in a boss. Why is this viewed so negatively? Is a boss's role less superior or heirarchical than it is in America?
Salut Hillary !
En effet, dans les réponses , on repère souvent le "respect", " la compréhension " , " l'écoute " ....
Je pense que finallement, les réponses des deux côtés sont assez semblables. Et je trouve ta question interessante, est ce que l'autorité d'un patron est vu négativement en France ? Je te répondrais que cela dépend. En France, les employés sont conscients que si le patron n'a aucune autorité, l'entreprise n'a aucune chance d'être compétitive, et ainsi d'avancé. Les employés ont besoins d'être encadrés, d'avoir un chef, donc je pense qu'il accepte l'autorité , et la voient plutôt positivement. En revanche, il l'a voient négativement lorsqu'il y a des abus, et qu'ils sentent que le patron va trop loin. C'est la qu'on peut voir si un patron est bon ou mauvais, si il sait gérer son autorité.
Comment est vu l'autorité d'un patron aux Etats Unis ? A t'elle une image plutôt négative ?
Hi Julien! Thank you for resopnding to my question. I think those are pretty general likes and dislikes of bosses, and they are observed here in the U.S. as well. It just seemed like some of the French responses emphasized a strong sense of authority as bad, while I think a few Americans viewed that same authority as forceful yet good, since it would further the business more. In the US, in most cases, bosses do generally get a lot of authority, but as with anything, they must continue to command and deserve such respect. Usually a boss's authority is not viewed as a negative thing unless her or she abuses such power, as you said. It seems like we may have a more heirarchical business structure with very set roles--everyone knows who is in charge of who, and I think this may make our business structure more vertical than horizontal (people on differing levels of authority rather than all on the same plane). Would you say that in France, the exact heirarchy is less emphasized? Is the role of a boss usually more disciplinary or advising, or does it really just depend on the situation?
Hi Julien! Thank you for resopnding to my question. I think those are pretty general likes and dislikes of bosses, and they are observed here in the U.S. as well. It just seemed like some of the French responses emphasized a strong sense of authority as bad, while I think a few Americans viewed that same authority as forceful yet good, since it would further the business more. In the US, in most cases, bosses do generally get a lot of authority, but as with anything, they must continue to command and deserve such respect. Usually a boss's authority is not viewed as a negative thing unless her or she abuses such power, as you said. It seems like we may have a more heirarchical business structure with very set roles--everyone knows who is in charge of who, and I think this may make our business structure more vertical than horizontal (people on differing levels of authority rather than all on the same plane). Would you say that in France, the exact heirarchy is less emphasized? Is the role of a boss usually more disciplinary or advising, or does it really just depend on the situation?
Salut Hillary ! Désolé pour le retard de ma réponse . DOnc je pense que la vision des patrons aux Etats unis ou en France sont assez semblables . Pour te répondre, je dirai effectivement que cela dépend de la situation et de l'entreprise. Mais normalement, le patron ne devrait pas a avoir trop a faire de discipline, étant donné qu'il travail avec des adultes responsables, mais il est obligé de l'utilisé pour donné des taches. Et il conseille aussi, pour que l'employé ait une aide dans son travail, et qu'il puisse être ainsi plus efficace dans sa productivité. Mais je dirai que finallement, la discipline et le conseil son assez complémentaires. En tout cas, la hierarchie reste bien établit en France, même si parfois l'ambiance peut être plus décontracté .
As tu déja eu une experience a un travail, ou tu avais un patron trop autoritaire ? DAns le cas contraire, comment étaient tes relations avec lui ? ( ou peut être n'a tu déja pas eu de travail , mais je parle simplement de petits boulot d'étés etc ... )
Hi Julien--thanks for your response! I would definitely agree that discipline and advising are complementary, and I think that this is definitely true with the best kind of boss. At this point in myu life, I haven't yet had an experience with too bad of a boss. For my summer job in high school, I wouldn't say that my boss was too authoritatrian, but he did have a very particular way of doing things (this was more work protocol than anything to do with his management style), and that was annoying. Sometimes I felt like I had no lee-way in my work, and I had to do everything in a very particular way. This was pretty frustrating because I didn't really think that the details that were being micro-managed were that important.
In my most recent job as a lab assistant, though, I actually ran into the opposite problem--my boss wasn't authoritarian enough. What was expected of me was not made very clear, and sometimes I felt as though I did not have much work to do. I think my work ethic and quality of work actually started decreasing as I realized that not much was expected of me and that I could get by with less. This is definitely an unfortunate side effect of not asserting authority enough to maximize productivity. It's great to have a friendly relationship with a boss, but at the end of the day, he or she must assert his authority enough to ensure that employees and the company as a whole make the most out of what they have to work with.
What about your work experiences?
Salut Hillary !
Ok, je vois, oui c'est sur que ces deux facteurs sont complémentaires. Ok tu as dit que tu avais eu un patron pas assez autoritaire, et que cela était frustrant . Je pense que tu as raison, car après , on peut être perdu dans les taches de notre travail a accomplir. Si le patron ne fixe pas de règle, et nous laisse seul face a nous même, il est plus diffilcil de devenir productif. Donc un minimum d'autorité est indispensable je pense. Mais au moins, tu n'a pas eu d'experience avec un patron ' tyrannique ", se qui est une bonne chose ! Car je ne sais pas se qui serait le pire entre un patron trop autoritaire, plutôt que pas assez .
En ce qui me concerne, je suis comme toi, je n'est jamais eu de patrons trop autoritaire, bien que je n'est encore pas eu beaucoup d'experience professionel. J'ai eu de la chance, car les seules fois ou j'ai travailler, j'ai eu de bons rapports avec mon patron. Mais, il ne s'agissait que de petits boulots d'été, l'ambiance y est moins stressante , et plus décontracté.
Je me demandais, aux Etats Unis, dans les Entreprises en générale, les patrons sont ils en général des hommes ? Ou des femmes ? La parité est elle respecté ? Pense tu qu'il y est une difference entre l'autorité chez une femme ou chez un homme ?