A good parent is someone ...

Un bon parent est quelqu'un ...

cares about his/her child, provides food and shelter, and advise during life's problems.

is caring, authoritative, discipline

loves unconditionally.

loves, guides, defends and protects their children.

one who cares

spends time with their children
is also a teacher
puts their children before themselves

who acts in the best interest of his/her children.
sacrifice, love, discernment

who can inculcate important values into their children so that later in life they have the personal resources to be good people. Above all, a good parents must love and care for their children.

who cares about you.

who does what is best, not necessarily what is easiest, who doesn't spoil his or her children, and who is actively present, physically and emotionally

who doesn't give detention, who is always there when you need him and who is strict because he cares about you and he doesn't want you to follow the wrong path.

who doesn't let his/her child scream his/her head off, provides a nurturing environment, guides his/her child through life, and is not initially the child's friend.

who educates and cares about his or her children and can be both a guiding adult and a friend.

who guides his or her children towards making good choices; who motivates his or her children to succeed; who supports his or her children in all of their endeavors.

who is concerned, consistent, and wise.

who is loving and looks out for his or her child and ensures that the child has the best upbringing possible.

who is patient and firm but not overprotective.

who is supportive, critical when necessary

who is there for his or her children

who is there to listen when you need it, who isn't afraid to confront his/her children about issues, who doesn't force his/her children to do more than they are capable of

who is understanding, can set good ground rules that are not too restricting, good at reinforcing those rules, and has boundless patience.

who listens and is rational while being a discipliner.

who loves her children.
who plays with her children.
who encourages her children

who loves unconditionally.

who provides a good background for their child.

who raises their children with values, love, and happiness.

who supports and disciplines you.

who supports their children no matter what their decision.

who supports you no matter what.

Who will be there for you and support you no matter what.

aui est toujours là pour nous et à l'écoute ,conseil et sèrieux .

d'affectueux, de ferme mais juste.

de compréhensif, attentionné, à l'écoute et qui sait faire preuve de tolérance comme de fermeté si nécessaire.

de disponible pour ses enfants. à l'écoute et droit dans ce qu'il fait

fait confiance à ses enfants, qui les laisse vivre leur vie tout en veillant à leur équilibre, quelqu'un qui pose ses règles dès le début.

Qui aime ses enfants, Qui est fidéle, qui ne pense pas que a lui même, qui fait des cadeaux

qui arrive à fixer des regles de bonne conduite tout en laisser son enfant sortir, faire la féte, etc...

qui doit être présent pour toutes les étapes de la vie, et qui doit inculquer certaines règles.

qui donne des limites, dit ce qui est bien ou pas, fait ce qu'il peut pour rendre son enfant heureux.

qui donne une bonne éducation, qui est proche de ses enfants sans vouloir faire trop copain, qui fait attention à ses enfants, s'intéresse à eux, les encourage, c'est un repère essentiel dans la vie.

qui est a l'écoute de ses enfants.
qui est conciliant c'est a dire severe au niveau des etudes de leurs enfants, mais respectant les activités et les sorties de ceux ci .

Qui est Aimant, qui est juste, qui sait se faire respecter de ses enfants.

qui est attentif aux besion de ses enfants tout en ayant un degré de sévérité convenable.

qui est à l'écoute de ses enfants, qui leur donne une éducation et qui veut rendre ses enfants heureux.

qui est conciliant entre faire son travail mais aussi qui accorde des libertés.

qui est présent dans les bons moments de la vie comme dans les moments plus difficiles

qui est toujours la pour toi quoi qu'il arrive!et qui ne te juge pas!

qui est toujours présent
qui se soucie de notre réussite
qui nous aime

qui fait attention à ce que je fais,ne me cri pas dessus tout le temps,me donne le necessaire(argent de poche,paie les études...),me laisse libre et me soutient

qui nous aimes tel que l'on est
qui est à l'écoute de son enfant
qui aide ses enfants

qui protège ses enfants, qui les aide à prendre des décisions, qui les aime

qui s'occupe de ses enfants,qui est responsable.

qui sait être autoritaire ET bon copain

qui veille sur vous...
personne n'est un parfait pour ce "job ... "


The French and American responses in this section were very similar.  Everyone said that a good parent loves/cares for their kids.  Is there for their kids, listens to their kids, etc.  Quite a few people mentioned parents taking on the role of teachers and a couple of people from each side mentioned discipline.  One of the problems with this sentence in general is that there is a big difference between what makes a good parent for a 5 year old and what makes a good parent for an 18 year old.  I've worked a lot as a babysitter so I tended to think of the question as it referred to younger kids.

Based on these answers it is hard to tell if there is a difference in parenting styles across these two cultures.  Do you think American parents are more strict or more relaxed than French parents?

The most common aspects of good parenting on the American side were that parents care about their children, advise, teach, guide, etc. their children, love their children, spend time with their children, and support their children. On the French side, good parents spend time with their children, advise their children, listen to their children, and love their children. They are also attentive. Most of the things people said were roughly the same but in different words. The Americans like putting the best interests of the child first and providing protection, necessities, motivation, discipline, etc. The French care about discipline, encouragement, fairness, etc. One thing that stuck out at me was how the French students think that a parent should let the child live his/her life. As a whole the two were very similar. 

Would you think that American and French parents have the same vision of what a parent should be? Do you think that Americans and French people raise their children differently? Basically what is your impression of a American parent?

I noticed that as far as the emotional aspects of parenting is concerned, the French and the Americans had the same expectations of their parents i.e. they both expect the parents to be loving,caring, supportive etc. The French , however, did mention some material aspects such as throwing feast and giving gifts which the Americans did not mention. In addition, it was obvious that the French expected their parents to be able to play the role of both a parent and a friend.

-To what extent did your responses reflect the actual parenting situation in your homes as opposed to your view of an ideal parent?

-Your responses obviously reflect parenting in France. What's your idea of the parenting style in America? In reality, is it better, worse, similar?

salut, on a tous des réponses similaires concernant nos parents et à ce que je vois les enfants ont besoin de l'autorité des parents ,à juste mesure bien sur mais pourquoi les parents se disent alors que les enfants ne rèvent que de liberté totale?

bonjour à tous, en effet notre vision est assez similaire. Nos parents sont un véritable repère pour nous et sont un cadre dans notre vie.

Américains et francais voient en leurs parents une constante soutenance auprès de nous dans notre vie, d'où l'idée de "repère".

Pour répondre à ta question Naa Akwetey, les parents américains pour moi appraissent comme très protecteurs. La relation avec vos parents me semble très fusionnelle est ce le cas? Je pense qu'en France, nous sommes peut être moins expressifs et plus pudique de notre relation avec nos parents, du moins lors de l'adolescence. Ai je tort ou raison ?

Bonjour à tous, je remarque aussi que nous avons tous la même idée sur le bon parent. C'est quelqu'un d'attentionné, un exemple, quelqu'un qui a de l'autorité et qui se fait respecter c'est donc un repère.

J'ai l'impression que les relations avec vos parents sont plus importantes, dans le sens où la relation est plus fusionnelle, vous êtes assez expressifs alors que nous, nous sommes plutôt réservés, on veut prouver qu'on peut se débrouiller seul tout en sachant au fond de nous qu'on a besoin de nos parents!


     I actually think that on the contrary, American parents are not over protective of their children. They are certainly highly interested in the lives of their children but I won't say over protective. However, like you, I'm not American (I'm actuallu African) and so my view is also perhaps not representative but I speak with a modest level of confidence and my American classmates can probably speak more to this. There is, however, a very healthy relationship or merging of ideas in the sense that the two sides contribute to how the family should be run.  It is not uncommon to find mothers relating to their daughters as though they were sisters and this helps American children to be share their opinions with their parents freely.

Do you think that the modest relationship with your parents is a positive, negative or neutral thing? That is, does it stand in the way of a healthy relationship?

Je pense que pour tout le monde être un bon parent fait automatiquement référence au fait d'aider son enfant a réussir sa vie. Les visions divergent apres selon les gens, les besoins des enfants et les désirs des parents .


Je suis entierement d'acord avec Erika sur le fait que l'éducation a adopter avec ses enfants dépend de l'age de ces derniers. Alors qu'un bébé devra apprendre les règles de bases a respecter en société, un adolescent aura plus de liberté afin de découvrir le monde sans la vision de ses parents


Pour répondre a Naa je pense que une relation trop amicale avec ses parents pourraient enlever au parents justement un role de "parent". En effet si on devient ami avec nos parents alors quand il nous refuseront quelque chose on risquerait de ne pas les prendre au serieu... Mais a contrario si nous n'avons pas un minimum de complicité avec nos parents cela entrainerait selon moi nombreux conflicts.. Je pense qu'il faut trouver un juste milieu, nos parents ne sont pas nos amis... mais ils sont encore moins nos ennemis

Hi Anne,

    I like the way you described the relationship: not friends but less of enemies. I guess to the extent that the relationship between the two groups is a healthy one, then that's fine. However, the closer the parents are to their children, the more likely that the children would open up to them, or so I think.

Of course there must be limits to this friendship so that the children don't take undue advantage of the friendship but if the parents are upfront about the limits from the beginning, then hopefully there will be no conflicts. Also, bear in mind that being friends with your child doesn't imply not being strict.

Personally, I have a healthy relationship with my parents and not necessarily a "friendly" relationship so I agree with your point. However, I have many friends who have both healthy and "friendly"  relationships and I realized the added friendship adds positively to the environment at home but that's my observation, not a proven fact.

The way American parents treat their children depend on many factors. If there's one generalization, however, either parents are relaxed or they are overbearing. The contributing factors include economic status, religious affiliation, family traditions, the number of generations the family has been in America, gender of the children. I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them. Also parents are more strict with the older children than with the younger children.

To Nolwen: I think that the amount that American children value their relationship with their parents varies a lot from person to person.  For example, some college students are very dependent on their parents and still remain close to them, while others use their time in college to grow apart from their parents and get established on their own.  In fact, I think having too good of a relationship with your parents may hinder your ability to become self-sufficient or reach success.