a good parent

Un bon parent

 helps only when they're needed

introduces values and still gives freedom to choos

listen, accepts your individuality, pushes you


loves the children no matter what.

Loves you unconditionally

sacrifices for his/her child

who cares about your goals, love you.

who cares.

who does their best in raising a child

who gives you advice, who doesn't control you

who guides and loves

who guides their children,but doesn't pushes them

who helps you to better yourself.

who is caring, but not over-protective

who is supportive, loves you no matter what

who is there at all times

who is willing to listen.

who knows their place in your life.

who listens and tries to understand.

who loves you inconditionally.

who sends me cookies in the mail

who shows love, kindness, and support.

who supports you through your decisions

who tries to be there for you always

who understands and accepts

who will forgive you and continue to love you.

would do anything for the child

 C qui est là quand il faut

de sévère mais juste

est une personne proche qui ne juge pas

plein d'amour et de tendresse et un peu autoritaire

qui aide son enfant à entrer dans la vie (éducation

qui aime ses enfants

qui aime, qui compatis, qui pousse

qui comprend et donc éduque bien ses enfants

qui comprend vos problèmes,de réfléchi

qui écoute ses enfants

qui écoute ses enfants

qui écoute ses enfants et les rend heureux

qui éduque bien son enfant

qui élève bien ses enfants

qui élève ses enfants dans le respect des lois

qui est autoritaire mais juste

qui est présent quand il faut.

qui laisse libre d'essayer

qui m'aime

qui nous aime.

qui respecte ses enfants, et les éduque bien

qui respecte son enfant, qui aime son enfant

qui sait se taire en temps voulu

qui sait vous conseillez lorsqu'il le faut.

qui sait vous écouter, tout en vous conseillant.

qui serait un ami s'il n'était pas un parent

qui vous comprend

qui vous prodigue son affection,son amour


Bonjour ! Je remarque que pour les Français, un bon parent doit donner une bonne éducation alors que de votre coté il est plus question de sentiments ("un bon parent est quelqu'un qui vous aime de façon inconditionnelle" apparait plusieurs fois dans vos réponses). Pour nous, il est important que les parents nous inculquent des règles de savoir vivre qui nous permettront de bien nous insérer dans la société. Je crois qu'en France nous sommes très attentifs à la part de l'éducation dans la personnalité de l'enfant, surtout depuis les différents crimes commis par des mineurs (dans le sud de la France, on a récemment arrêté des gangs de filles). Est ce que ce débat est aussi à l'honneur aux Etats_Unis ?

In response to Claire's question, yes, crime committed by minors is a big issue in the United States. It is possible that this is because American children are less receptive to the idea of their parents playing a big role in their education (on life issues as well as schooling) and therefore have the tendency to rebel more often. Do French children have a lot of respect for their parents in general? For us, we expect out of our parents unconditional love, and don't want them to be too authoritative with us. Do you see parents as people who provide you with guidance and authority, or do you see them as people to care about you and provide you with love?

I noticed that although both the Americans and the French mentioned the notion of parents guiding their children, the French said that parents should push and be authoritative (but just), while the Americans all said that a parent helps without pushing. Does this perhaps go along with the fact that the French seem to see parents as a vital factor in a child's education, whereas education is not mentioned once on the American side? It is also interesting that the notion of love was mentioned 12 times on the American side, while only half that on the French side. I think that maybe American students play a more independent role in their path of schooling, or maybe there just isn't much of a choice growing up; most children go through the same schooling for the first twelve years of their lives these days, and the only choice that the student actually makes is how much they are going to make of their available education.

I agree with Adeline. Crime in the United States is a large concern and many believe it is because children do not have enough repect for authority--which could stem from a lack of respect for parents. Do you think that the crimes that are commited in France are because of bad parenting or because of simple human nature?

Salut Cynthia

Je pense que dans la majorité des cas, l'éducation apportée par les parents est en cause. Cependant, les enfants ne sont pas enfermés chez eux et le milieu dans lequel ils vivent (amis qu'ils fréquentent, école, ...) peuvent parfois être mis en cause aussi Par contre, je ne pense pas que cela fasse partie de la nature humaine réellement.