Somebody knocks at your door and enters
the room before you told him to do so.

Quelqu'un frappe à votre porte et
entre sans attendre que vous ayez dit "entrez".

I wouldn't mind really.

I would tell him not to do that again and wait next time.

I greet this person.

What does he/she think he/she is doing?

I would be slightly annoyed, but I wouldn't express it.

I would kick him out.

Good thing I'm not changing.

I don't care.

Think that at least he knocked

I remind them that it isn't nice.

I would greet them and see what they wanted.

I am angry and ask them to wait next time.

I tell them to wait next time unless it is a friend of mine.

i would tell them that upset me and ask them to wait next

I wouldn't care

I would be upset.

If he is a good friend, that's ok; if not, I will feel invaded

what the f@*$! this is NOT your room.

If friend or girl: OK. If not: yell, "Get the f*** out!!"

It would depend on what I was in the process of doing.

I won't mind unless I am undressing

I ask them if they have a hearing problem.

I would be very annoyed and ask them not to do it again.

Do they have respect for my privacy?

They will not have a chance to enter because I have a chain
on my door.

I would be sarcastic about it and say something like..."Sure
you may come in"

That was slightly invasive. He/She should have waited.

at least they knocked


Si c'est un ami ok sinon il valse dehors!

je lui fais remarquer son impolitesse

Je lui rappelle les usages

En règle générale cela ne me dérange

Je le demanderais d'attendre jusqu'à ce que je l'invite
à entrer.

Je lui fais remarquer que la prochaine fois il faudra attendre

je le remets dehors sans écouter ce qu'il a à
me dire

Si les amis frappent à ma porte et entre sans attendre
je leur permettrais.

Je le laisserais entrer chez moi.

ma porte est toujours fermee à clef ...

il n'aurait pas du frapper

je lui fais la remarque pour qu'il ne recommence plus

je le trouve bien pressé

Je lui demande où il a été élevé
et je l'engueule.

Je lui fais un rappel des bonnes manières


Je le lui fais remarquer.

si je suis nu, c'est tres génant, sinon, ca va

Je sors de ma douche tout nu

Cela ne me gène pas

ca m'énerve...

Si c'est un ami ce n'est pas grave

je lui dis de sortir


----All of the responses were varied. I think this depends on what type of person you are. It probably has no connection to culture.