Your friend tells you he/she just lost
the Canon camera you had lent him/her.

Un/e ami/e vient vous dire qu'il/elle a
perdu l'appareil photo Canon que vous lui aviez prêté.

I would demand to know what they're going to do about it.

I'd be really angry at first and then disappointed.

I ask him/her to pay for it.

My money!

I would expect him/her to replace it.

I will kill him/her. (My thoughts - not actions)

I hope they replace it.

I'd expect him to either find it or get a new one.

I'd be very upset.

I tell them they must replace it, but try not to be mad.

I would help him/her to find it.

I am frustrated and upset.

I wonder how they can lose it, but I deal with the situation

I am frustrated and upset.

I would expect my friend to buy me a another one

I would be very upset.

It does not bother me that much. I tell her not to worry about

that's not good. can you pay me for it/replace it?

ask him to replace it.

I'd be very angry and expect him/her to offer to repay me.

I would be MAD!!

I scowl at him and tell him I expect it to be replaced.

I wouldn't care because I'm a Nikon fan. :)

I am upset and I want an explanation.

I am upset for a while but I realise the intent isn't malicious,
I forgive.

I would expect her to offer to buy it back.

How could you be so irresponsible when I trusted you?

be upset, say okay, expect replacement


hum! quand? comment? où? et on discutera après

je me mets dans une colère noire et pire...

Je lui demande ce qui s'est passé

Je voulais acheter un Pentax, cela tombe bien.

Je serais dérangé.

Tu as une bonne assurance ?

je lui montre mon mécontentement

Je lui proposerais de m'acheter un nouvel appareil photo.

Je serais faché, et lui le demandais de chercher.

colère noire, demande d'un racheter un

il y a plus grave

je lui demande de m'en acheter un autre

ce n'est pas grave s'il me le repaye

j'accepte qu'il me rembourse.

Ce n'est pas grave, mais il n'y aura pas de prochaine fois

j'essaie de faire un marché

Et bien tant pis, il/elle m'en rachetera un neuf.

selon la personne, je commence par essayer de digérer
le coup

Double coup de boule rotatif

P'tain, 'fais chier...

j'attends qu'elle propose une solution

Si elle n'a pas été irresponsable je ne lui
en veux pas

je lui demande de me le rembourser


----Sonia, je suis entierement d'accord avec toi. Celui qui a dit "ca ne fait rien" doit certainement avoir beaucoup d'argent ou alors n'est vraiment pas rancunier, voire jem'enfoutiste. En lisant les reponses, on voit bien que les francais et les americains ont globalement la meme attitude.

----The Americans were upset, angry and frustrated that their friend could be so irresponsible with their belongings. The French were more calm.In France, things like cameras are much more expensive, so why is there the "I don't care" attitute toward losing something valuable? If my friend had lost something valuable of mine, I would not trust her with my belongings till she could prove that she deserved my trust again.
