You meet one of your neighbors on the street. He/she does not say hello.

Vous croisez votre voisin dans la rue. Il/elle ne vous dit pas bonjour.

go up to him/her and say hi
I ask if something is wrong.
I do not say hello either
I don't say hello too and wait for the next time to see what happens.
I just don't say hello back, unless it is uncommon from this person in which case worry a little.
i probably dont know them
I repeat my "hi" (maybe they did not hear me); if they ignored me, I would ignore them as well.
I say hello and keep walking.
i say hellow, what are you up to?
I would be annoyed. I would smile and say hello.
I would greet him/her, and would think further of the matter only if he/she persists in ignoring me.
I would not be friendly to them in the future unless they were first.
I would say hello to him.
I would walk by my neighbor and not say hello either.
I wouldn't make a note out of this.
I'd continue to walk.
I'd great her anyway, maybe she didn't notice me.
I'll say hello. I think he/she might have not seen me, but if this repeats, I'll also ignore him/her.
Oh well, big deal - ignore and keep walking.
Probably let it go once (he/she may be in a hurry). Make sure to say hello first next time.
smile at them anyway
think that he/she didn't notice you
Try saying hello first.

C'est normal, je fais trop de bruit
C'est normal, je fais trop de bruit tous les soirs
elle/il ne m'a pas reconnu
il doit être preoccupé et je vais vers lui
Il est grossier
il n'est pas tres sympathique
je continue mon chemin
je dis bonjour
Je dis bonjour quand même
je l'appelle car il/elle ne m'a peut-être pas vue
je l'insulte à voix basse
Je l'interpelle.
je le trouve impoli
Je lui dis bonjour avec insistance pour qu'il me réponde en pensant que c'est un con!
je lui dis bonjour d'un ton sec
je lui dis bonjour malgré tout
je lui dis bonjour quand même par politesse
je lui dis quand meme bonjour car je suppose qu il ne m a pas vu
Je lui dit bonjour en pensant qu'il ne m'a pas vue
Je lui dit bonjour.
je lui fais simplement un sourir
je lui fais simplement un sourir
je m'en fiche
je me dis qu'il ne m'a sans doute pas vu...
je ne fait pas l'attention, c'est pas une chose important pour moi
Je ne le salue pas plus ce jour-là.
je pense qu'il ne m'a pas vue ou qu'il ne me reconnaît pas
Je pense qu'il ou elle est fâché(e)
Je penserais qu'il ne me voit pas.
je suis surpris, et déçu
quel impoli!
si c'est une personne que je connais et que j'apprécie je la salue car je pense qu'elle ne m'a pas vu
Si il/ elle me regarde, je souris et dis (moi) bonjour. Sinon, je continue mon chemin.


It seems to me that saying "Bonjour" in France is a very important custom. Many of your responses included the comment that "he/she must have not seen me", suggesting that it would be impossible for your neighbor to see you and to not say hello. Other responses are that you would feel insulted, or would reply in a dry voice. On the contrary, by our responses, we would be more willing to let it go, ignore it, or say hello ordinarily. So, I'm curious to know, who do you say "bonjour" to? If you're walking in the city and make eye-contact with somebody, do you automatically say bonjour? Or is it reserved for people/classmates that you know?

Over and over again the idea that noise is a big factor against neighbors relationships has arised. I understand that the buildings construction do not help at all to ameliorate the noise factor but have you tried to come to an agreement with your neighbors in order to improve your relationships with them or are you not willing to do so. I think that neighbors can be come good trustworthy friends and that a good neighbor relation could improve living conditions.

Ive learned that saying 'bonjour' is itself a complete mannerism. But what about smiling? Sometimes, smiling is just a complement to the greeting. ('smile and say hi'/ 'souris et dis bonjour') and other times it seems its a lesser degree of greeting. ('simplement sourire'). For me personally, smiling can be a substitute for saying hi. Are there cultural differences as to what a smile can do? or does it differ from person to person?