A good neighbor
Un bon voisin
does not interfere in your life.
helps out, alerts
helps you live comfortably in your neighborhood.
is always willing to lend stuff.
is considerate and friendly.
is friendly
is friendly and will help you out when necessary.
is friendly but not invasive.
is friendly, is not noisy or messy
is respectful and friendly.
is respectful of you and your property and will support you in times of
is responsible and courteous
is thoughtful and caring, brings fresh baked pies to your door
isnt a jerk to you
looks after your house when you are gone.
looks out for his/her fellow neighbors
picks up your paper when you are out of town.
respects you and your privacy.
shares a lawnmower
will help you when you are in need
will let you borrow a cup of sugar.
you can rely on for reciprical favors
est aimable et présent sans vous envahir.
est prêt à nous dépanner en cas de problËme
est toujours aimable.
m aide quand j en ai besoin
ne dérange pas
ne fait pas de bruit
ne fait pas de bruit pendant la nuit
ne fait pas trop de bruit après 23h00 , qui dit bonjour lorsqu'on
le rencontre
ne fait pas trop de bruit après 23h00 , qui dit bonjour lorsqu'on
le rencontre
ne fait pas trop de bruit aux heures où l'on dort et avec qui l'on
peut s'entendre amicalement
ne me derange pas
ne me dérange pas et reste à sa place
n'ennuie pas, est serviable
n'est pas trop bruyant
peut te faire la conversation quand tu n'as plus envie d'écouter
le cours, ou plus généralement quelqu'un qui t'invite à
prendre l'apéro le vendredi soir
respecte les autres
respecte les siens
respecte mes libertés
respecte son homologue
respecte son voisinage.
sait etre discret,présent,serviable et aimable
vous est agréable, est aimable et sympathique
I was just wondering how often people in France interact
with their neighbours?
Just to add to Raphael's train of thought . . . Many of
the American answers were very specific. People
mentioned borrowing cups of sugar, picking up the
paper, and sharing a lawnmower. Considering that most
of us live in dorms and don't do any of the specific
things we mentioned, we seem to have idealized the word
The French, on the other hand, mentioned fewer personal
interactions. Do you think this is because people tend
not to interact much with their neighbors in France? Or
is it just that you don't idealize neighbors as much as
we see
Another difference I noticed is that the French are
bothered by noise and other forms of disturbance
('bruit'x6 and 'derange'x3). The Americans mentioned
'privacy' and 'not invasive' as criteria. Why is this?
My speculation is that it might have to do with the
proximity of houses in France and also the suburban
American tendency to build houses far apart with fences
separating them.
My second question is where do people in Paris usually
live? In apartment buildings? Do a lot of students live
outside of the city in the suburbs? Do they live in
house there?
In terms of noise issues, we talked in class on Friday
about the fact that perhaps students had two different
types of neighbors in mind when they responded to the
question - neighbors to their family houses and
neighbors in their dorms at school. It seems as though
the American students were using terms that related to
suburbian life and neighbors of the first type, whereas
the French students were describing either dorm or
apartment neighbors. I was wondering whether or not
there are rules regarding noise and quiet hours in
French apartments, or do you generally live in
dormitories? Also, is it typical that the quiet hours
rule gets followed? Jess
C'est drôle que vous vous interogiez là dessus car ici à
la résidence de l'int appelée Maisel un sérieux
différend a opposé une majorité des élèves à un élève en
particulier qui critiquait le manque de respect de
certains vis-à-vis des règles de vie. En effet comme
dans toutes résidences universitaires les étudiants ont
pour habitude de se voir le soir pour se "divertir".
Cela explique que sur notre lieu de vie actuel ie la
maisel les voisins sont souvent bruyants mais on les
aident bien un petit peu ;-)