One of your guests (the friend of a friend) goes and helps himself/herself in your fridge without asking for your permission

Un de vos invités - l'ami(e) d'un(e) ami(e) - va se servir dans le frigo sans vous demander la permission.

ask him if he needs help
dont care
He has no manners.
I will be glad he/she feels at home.
I would ask him/her if he/she was looking for something and/or if I could
get them something.
I would ask them sarcastically if they are hungry.
i would be a little pissed off and would tell someone that i was
I would be angry, but think that nothing can be done about it
I would consider that person ill-mannered.
I would feel uncomfortable.
I would just ignore it.
i would let him/her do so, but at the same time i would think he/she was
rude and i would say "next time, can you please ask, i'll get it for
i would not care
I would say something sarcastic to alert him/her of their rudeness.
I wouldn't care.
I wouldn't care.
I wouldn't say anything, but I would think that was a bit odd.
If he/she is a guest, he/she is more than welcome to anything in my home.
If not satisfied with what he has found I offer more
It would have been nice to ask, but I would have probably already offered.
make a sarcastic comment about it tha warns him

_Non c'etait pour mon ptit déj demain
Aucune crainte , il y a un code d'accès sur le frigo
ce n est pas du tout grave pour moi,c'est humain d'avoir soif ou faim!
C'est pas très poli mais c'est pas si grave que ça après
tout. Je ne dis rien
C'est un manque d'éducation.
je l interpelle et l engeule
je le fécilite d'avoir trouvé le chemin du frigo et lui dit
que désormais il peut se sentir ici comme chez lui
je le laisse faire
je le trouve assez indélicat mais ça ne me dérange
pas trop
je lui demande ce qu'il/elle fait
je lui dis:"ca va, je te gênes pas trop?"
je lui fait remarquer qu'il n'est pas chez lui
je ne dis rien
je ne dis rien
je ne dis rien mais je le remarque
je suis faché je dis rien ms je l'inviterai plus
Je suis un peu choqué , je ne dis rien et j'en parle le lendemain
au téléphone à mon ami(e) qui a invité cette
personne chez moi.
pas de problèmes, qu'il fasse comme chez lui.
pas de problèmes, qu'il fasse comme chez lui.
Qu'elle me rapporte un jus d'orange !
Ramènes moi un truc à manger s'il te plaît


The responses here are surprisingly similar in their
viewing the situation as rude. Neither side really
seems to care that much; However the American students
seem to have more of a pronounced response (6 people
mentioned saying something). The French students
almost unanimously expressed either indifference or
anger, but there were only 1 or 2 actual

Compare the responses here to the responses for
"Someone lights up a cigarette". Here, the response is
the opposite. The American students tend to either
ignore the smoker or tell someone else to deal with it
-- although some did suggest that they would say
something. The French students on the other hand took
a very active role in stopping the behavior and do not
hesitate to point out the infraction.

Why is this? Did any of the French students respond to
the refrigerator situation with "Je ne dis rien" and to
the smoker with a more aggressive response? Is one
more a question of politeness and the other a question,
more or less, of law or are they relatively the same?


And not just that, the French gave much more aggressive
responses to the waiting in line question! I wonder if
it has anything to do with this frige situation being in
one's home. Do the French feel like confrontation in
the house is improper, against the rules of politeness?
And with the Americans it's almost like they are
defending their home, their property, no?

This is just a theory....but I think that one is more
likely to confront someone for their wrong doing
against oneself in public rather than in private,
because can have support of the public and the offender
is more likely to respond in a tame manner.

Le problème avec le fumeur c'est qu'il va déranger tous
ceux qui sont dans la salle. Bien sûr c'est un problème
de politesse mais aussi de santé : c'est un manque total
de respect pour ceux qui ne fument pas. (personnelement
je fume, mais je ne supporte pas que quelqu'un fume
pendant que je mange, etc).

Alors qu'avec le frigo, le problème n'a pas la meme
ampleur (même si c'est très mal poli aussi).

