You believe that your teacher did not give the grade you deserved on your final exam
Vous considérez que votre prof a mal noté votre examen final.
ask her why I received such a grade and tell
them why I think I deserve diffrerent
disappointment, but will try and change that
gather up courage to go meet with my teacher.
go and speak to the teacher to hear his justification for the grade
go ask him or her about it
I debate it with him/her during office hours.
I don't care
I go see him or her after checking the exam thoroughly.
I need to go to that teacher and explain my situation.
I will ask my teacher why I received the grade and how I should correct
my mistakes.
i would ask her about it
I would ask to meet with the teacher to discuss my point of view.
I would discuss it with him or her.
i would discuss it with my teacher to see his logic. i just want to know
WHY he thinks i deserve the lower grade.
I would go talk to the teacher and ask for a re-grade.
I would go to the professor's office hours to discuss my grade and argue
why I believe that I deserve better. If the professor does not agree than
I would use the time to find out what I can improve upon for the next exam.
I would go to the teacher's office hours and speak to him/her about it.
I would speak with the teacher about my concern to find out if I am right
I would talk to the professor, present my reasoning for why I think I deserve
a better grade.
I would write him/her an email.
if i got a better grade than i deserved i wouldn't say anything. if i got
a worse grade than i deserved i would confront my teacher about it.
talk to them
Comme tout bon syndicaliste je
proteste énergiquement.
et alors ? tant pis...
et alors ? tant pis...
j assume et je retourne travailler
Je demande à le voir et j'essaie de me faire expliquer cette note
en restant courtois.
je demande explications et/ou réparations
je lui dit
je lui parle a propos de mon point de vue
Je me dis que les génies ne sont souvent compris que quelques siècles
après leur mort
Je me dit que l'homme est petit et j'agis si la note a des conséquences
non négligeables
Je ne peux rien y faire.
je suis fâchée mais tant pis
Je vais le lui dire tou en sachant qu'il y a peu de chances qu'il change
ma note
je vais le voir
je vais le voir et j'essaie de lui expliquer pourquoi je pense etre mal
je vais le voir et j'en discute avec lui
Je vais le/la voir pour demander des explications
je vais lui causer a la fin du cours
Je vais lui en parler directement afin de comprendre ma note
je vais me plaindre
J'essaie d'en discuter avec lui. Nous regardons ensemble ma copie.
j'essaye d'en discuter avec le professeur
It seems like a lot of the American responses to this
situation indicate that they see professors as both more
falliable and less authoritative than do the French
students. The majority of American students said that
they would go to see the professor in order to find out
whether or not they were right and, if they were not, to
get advice on how to improve their work. Meanwhile,
most of the French responses involve either knowing that
the teacher will most likely not change the grade or
going to ask for explanations from the professor, a
reaction that to me connotes their thinking that they
were right and truly were unfairly graded. Do you think
this has to do with the differences between the American
and French perspectives on authority and school?
Mon experience personnelle de la contestation des notes
me prouve que se plaindre à un professeur ne sert
souvent à rien. Il peut reconnaître ses erreurs, mais ne
changera qu' exceptionnellement la note. C'est triste
mais lui seul a le pouvoir. De plus, les enseignants
sont très solidaires et ne désavoueront pas nun de leurs
collègues. Il y a eu récemment une affire de ce style en
France lors de l'oral de français du Baccalauréat. Un
professeur a volontairement sous-noté tous les candidats
et les a destabilisé durant l'entretien. Comme il y
avait une trentaine d'élèves lésés, il ont demandé à
repasser l'examen mais l'administration a
That's terrible! Here, teachers readily change grades
if they see that they have given the wrong one. There
aren't many teachers who are so lofty that they would
commit an injustice just to protect their authority.
Here, even if the professor is unwilling to talk about
the grade, there are higher authorities to whom we can
turn. One of my friends recently had an experience with
a professor who downgraded her but then was very nasty
about explaining his reasons for the grade. She ended
up talking to a dean- a person in the administration
who can step in to handle things like this. With the
help of the dean, my friend finally managed to get an
explanation for the grade from the professor. Grades
can even be changed years after you take the class if
you manage to convince the professor that a grading
error was made. Therefore, I find it hard to imagine a
system like the French one, where there is little
recourse for students! -sayumi
Dans le système des prépas (c'est à dire le système dans
lequel nous avons évolués pendant 2 ou 3ans)nous ne
sommes pas habitués à nous plaindre d'une note que l'on
juge injuste. car en fait ce qui compte c'est le
concours final, et là aucun recours n'est possible à ma
connaissance (l'évaluation est anonyme, donc pas de
De toute façon la communication avec l'administration
est assez difficile et ce meme de façon générale : il y
a beaucoup de paperasserie et peu de disponibilités a
leur niveau .
dans nos deux pays la situation est excessive mais
respectivement inverse l'une de l' m'explique:
en France les recours envers un professeurs sont
restreints aux USA, il est trop simple de s'en prendre à
lui.J'ai un ami professeur à UCLA et il m'expliquait
comment il lui est impossible de noter justement tout
membre d'une minorité.Si ce dernier obtient moins de la
moyenne, il est carrément assuré de voir sa note revue à
la hausse en cas de protestation... aussi bien en france
qu'aux USA, de telles situations sont bien souvent